YAM, Phillip 任尚智

Position Professor
Email scpyam [at] cuhk.edu.hk
ORCiD 0000-0002-4380-0919
Phone Number 3943 7941
Fax Number 2603 5188
Address LSB G19
Homepage http://www.sta.cuhk.edu.hk/scpy/

Academic Background

BSc(Actuarial Sc) (1st Class*) and M.Phil. (HKU) (Supervisor: Hailiang Yang)

MASt with Distinction^.# (Cantab) (Cambridge)

D.Phil.# (Oxon) (Oxford) (Supervisor: Terry Lyons)

Research Interest

Selected Publication

Please refer to my personal homepage  for more publications in refereed journals.

Professional Services

  • Associate Editor, Risks — Open Access Risk Management Journal
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization
  • Associate Editor, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
  • Associate Editor, Mathematics (MDPI)
  • Associate Editor, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics


  • 2021/22 Term 1
    RMSC4002 Financial Data Analytics with Machine Learning
  • 2021/22 Term 2
    STAT4012 Statistical Principles of Deep Learning with Business Applications
    STAT6105 Basic Actuarial Principles and Their Applications

Honours and Awards

Research Grants

  • (With A. Bensoussan) HKSAR-GRF 14301321 (2021 to 2024). General Theory for Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Control: Mean Field and Some Classical Problems.
  • (With T. K. Wong (P.I.)) HKSAR-GRF 17302521 (2021 to 2024). Controlling the Growth of Classical Solutions of a Class of Parabolic Differential Equations with Singular Coefficients: Resolutions for Some Lasting Problems from Economics.

Please refer to my personal homepage for more information on research grants.