Wellness Mustache

Pursuing Wellness implies being able to experience health, happiness, peace, satisfaction, and good quality of life. How to stay physically, mentally and socially well? Let’s check out some tips…

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Wellness for Postgraduates

As you prepare for postgraduate (PG) studies, you may be experiencing a mixture of emotions.
Anticipating Changes
You probably feel both excited and apprehensive towards entering this new phase in your life, which could be very different from your undergraduate years in the following ways:
The PG enjoys greater autonomy and independence but needs to exercise even greater self-discipline in managing daily living, emotions, studies, relationships, etc….

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What Psychological Counselling in CUHK is about?

Wellness and Counselling Centre (WACC) of the Office of Student Affairs has been established primarily to help students to overcome psychological barriers and difficulties, which may impede their functioning, adjustment and personal development. Through this page, we hope to be able to clarify some of the common myths and misconceptions as well as help students gain a deeper understanding of the true nature and goals of psychological counselling.

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