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Chairman's Announcement
Preventive Recommendations
Disease and Health Information


Handling of Suspected SARS / Avian Influenza / Novel Influenza Cases

  1. All suspected SARS / avian influenza / novel influenza cases should be reported to the University Health Service as soon as possible (Tel. 39436436). UHS is the information coordination centre of CHPP.
  2. Arrange the patient to seek medical consultation at public hospitals immediately.
  3. Places where the confirmed patient has lived in or worked at should be disinfected. (Please refer to Guidelines on Cleaning and Disinfection.)
  4. A list of close contacts of the patient within the last 10 days should be prepared.  A copy of the list should be sent to UHS which will follow up with the Department of Health once the patient is is diagnosed as a confirmed case.
  5. For those admitted to hospitals, UHS will liaise regularly with the hospital, the Department of Health and the patient to obtain the latest condition, status of diagnosis and determine if any action is needed for close contacts.
  6. UHS will then notify relevant Department/Unit Heads, Colleges, Faculty Offices, Hostel Wardens and the CHPP Chairman about the progress of the patient, once detail information is obtained.
  7. If the patient is a hostel-resident student with a roommate, the Hostel Warden should arrange the roommate to either go home or stay in a single room during the incubation period of 10-14 days.  UHS will give advice to the roommate on personal hygiene and personal protection.
  8. Before any staff or student who is a close contact goes to UHS for medical consultation, he/she should ring the UHS at 39436439. UHS staff will advise on the special arrangements for the consultation.
  9. Flowchart - Handling of Suspected SARS / Avian Influenza / Novel Influenza Cases

Sep 2018

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