Actions and Advice on the University Level
- How is the University responding to the COVID-19 situation?
- What does the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection advise?
- What should I do if I feel sick or have come into contact with someone who is confirmed of COVID-19 infection?
Of Schoolwork and Outreaching
- What is the arrangement for teaching activities?
- As a postgraduate student, what else should I pay attention to?
- What support do I get for online learning?
- What other resources are available?
- I wish to seek financial support. What should I do?
Concerning Residents in Hostels
- Should I come back to stay at the hostel on campus?
- I am a resident and not feeling well. What should I do?
- What happens when a resident is suspected of being infected with COVID-19?
- I have just returned from China. What should I do?
- I will return to Hong Kong from overseas. What am I supposed to do?
Concerning Staff
- What is the current work arrangement for staff members?
- The HKSAR Government is implementing a territory-wide COVID-19 Vaccination Programme with priority vaccination for designated groups that include university faculty and supporting staff. If a staff member has made an appointment for vaccination under the Programme during work hours, does he/she need to apply for leave?
- I am planning to travel to the mainland. Is there any advice for me?
- Are overseas trips advisable and what should I do in case I need to travel?
- If I reside on the mainland and commute regularly to work in Hong Kong, do I need to apply for leave while staying on the mainland?
- What should I do if someone from my family has recently returned from overseas and is under compulsory quarantine in the same place where I am living?
Concerning Heads and Foremen
- I am doing and supervising some research work which is laboratory based. Could the research postgraduate students in my team be called upon to work in the laboratory?
- A colleague is now in a locked-down city outside Hong Kong and cannot come back to work. How should I handle his/her absence?
- A colleague is now overseas and does not want to make a trip back due to the risk of travel.
- Who can I approach for more advice?
Concerning our Campus and Services and Activities thereon
- What measures on social gathering on campus has the University taken?
- Do I need to wear a mask on campus?
- Where can I buy masks on campus?
- Anything done to maintain environmental hygiene on campus?
- Are University facilities open and services available?
- Are the canteens on campus open?
- Our department is planning to organize a conference. Would the University advise going ahead with it?
What if I…?
Actions and Advice on the University Level
- How is the University responding to the COVID-19 situation?
The University's Committee on Health Promotion and Protection (CHPP) is closely monitoring the development of the COVID-19 situation and making reference to the recommendations of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health. An Emergency Response Group led by the Vice-Chancellor and President has been established to coordinate the University's efforts.
The University has activated the Emergency Response Level (the second highest level) which corresponds to a situation where the risk of a novel virus causing new and serious impact to human health in Hong Kong is high and imminent. The University Health Service (UHS) will follow the reporting criteria and closely monitor the health surveillance on campus.
- What does the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection advise?
The Committee on Health Promotion and Protection strongly urges all staff and students to adopt the health advice of the Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, specifically:
- Maintain at all times strict personal and environmental hygiene, which is key to personal protection against infection and prevention of the spread of the disease in the community. You should wear a surgical mask when having respiratory symptoms, taking public transport or staying in crowded places. You should wash your hands frequently, especially before touching the mouth, nose or eyes.
- Maintain an appropriate social distance with other people as far as possible in your daily lives. In particular, you should go out less and avoid social activities such as meal gatherings or other gatherings to reduce the chance of contacting infected persons, who may not present any symptoms, and minimize the risk of outbreak clusters emerging in the community.
- As for household environmental hygiene, members of the public are advised to maintain drainage pipes properly, and regularly pour water into drain outlets (U-traps); cover all floor drain outlets when they are not in use; after using the toilet, they should put the toilet lid down before flushing to avoid spreading the germs.
- Avoid all non-essential travel outside Hong Kong.
- For the home confinees and their household members, please follow the Centre for Health Protection’s home quarantine guidelines (https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/inbound-travel.html).
- What should I do if I feel sick or have come into contact with someone who is confirmed of COVID-19 infection?
You should:
- follow the advice from the Department of Health to stay at home or special designated centres during the incubation period, if being identified as having contact with COVID-19.
- report it to your Department/unit heads, College or hostel staff, or CHPP Information Coordinator if you consider yourself or have been told by officers of the Department of Health that you are a close contact.
- if you are a student residing in a hostel and are required to stay home for medical surveillance but are unable to do so, contact the warden of your hostel to make the necessary arrangements.
- consult a doctor if you are sick especially with respiratory symptoms with or without fever.
Of Schoolwork and Outreaching
- What is the arrangement for teaching activities?
The University is adopting hybrid mode of teaching and learning. Most face-to-face classes can be conducted online at the same time if needed. Except for a few courses, examinations will also be conducted online. The relating units/departments will inform teachers and students of the details by email.
- As a postgraduate student, what else should I pay attention to?
Research activities including laboratory work conducted on campus are subject to the prior approval of the relevant Chairpersons/Directors of Schools.
Postgraduate students who return to the University are required to declare their travel history in the previous 14 days to their supervisors by filling in the Health Declaration Form (paper / online) and Self-medical Surveillance Form (paper / online). Both forms should be submitted to their Supervisors/Programme Directors.
- What support do I get for online learning?
To ensure the online courses run smoothly, the University has strengthened its network capacity and stability. Students can visit eLearning@CUHK for more information related to online learning.
- What other resources are available?
The CUHK library has introduced a new print to e-copy service. CUHK staff and students can request an e-copy of an existing library print book if the e-copy is available. For books or journal without an e-version, the Library will try to obtain the licenses for the chapters or articles where possible. More information is available at CUHK Library services to support remote teaching and learning.
- I wish to seek financial support. What should I do?
Students who have financial needs can visit the University Financial Aid Schemes website for information. The University has also announced the setup of the CU Relief Fund. Students may refer to its website for details.
Concerning Residents in Hostels
- Should I come back to stay at the hostel on campus?
Students currently residing outside Hong Kong are strongly advised not to return to campus at this time. For students who have already started their journey or are unable to change their travel plans, stringent medical testing at the port of entry, and for some areas, port of embarkation, will be required. Compulsory quarantine upon arrival will also be strictly observed. Your affiliated Colleges and hostels will be in touch soon to provide support and guidance.
Hostel applications for local students will be suspended until further notice. You will hear from your affiliated College on the specific arrangements.
- I am a resident and not feeling well. What should I do?
Those who are experiencing symptoms of fever or acute respiratory illnesses should contact their warden and seek medical help immediately. Individual Colleges may have other requirements, which will be made known to their residents.
- What happens when a resident is suspected of being infected with COVID-19?
The Committee on Health Promotion and Protection (CHPP) has promulgated the Cohort Policy for close contacts of suspected cases of 2019-nCoV infection. The roommate(s) of the suspected case as well as the residents on the same hostel floor would be regarded as a 'close contact cohort' and the Policy would be activated until the suspected case is confirmed or otherwise. Hostel residents and their wardens/resident tutors are well advised to refer to the Policy.
- I have just returned from China. What should I do?
The Government has promulgated the Compulsory Quarantine of Certain Persons Arriving at Hong Kong Regulation to require all people entering Hong Kong from the mainland, including Hong Kong residents, mainland residents as well as other visitors, to be subject to compulsory quarantine at designated places (at home or other accommodation) for 14 days upon their arrival. Even if they are entering from other places, if they have visited the mainland over the 14 days before, compulsory quarantine is also applicable.
- I will return to Hong Kong from overseas. What am I supposed to do?
Following the Prevention and Control of Disease (Regulation of Cross-boundary Conveyances and Travellers) Regulation (Cap. 599H), if in the 21 days prior to your boarding of a plane that arrives at Hong Kong you have stayed in any very high-risk specified place, you are required to provide certain documents to show you have undergone nucleic acid test for COVID-19 and been tested negative. You must also have confirmation of hotel room reservation in Hong Kong for not less than 21 nights before entering Hong Kong.
Travellers who visited any country outside China (excluding very high-risk places) must have confirmation of hotel room reservation in Hong Kong for not less than 21 nights before entering Hong Kong.
Please visit here for more details.
Concerning Staff
- What is the current work arrangement for staff members?
Starting 18 February 2021, departments/units will resume normal operation to cater for related service needs. The University will closely monitor the situation and review its measures as appropriate.
Those who feel ill are advised to seek immediate medical consultation, and inform their unit heads of the situation.
The University’s Emergency Response Group has prepared a list of emergency measures in case any staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19 or is classified as a close contact by the Department of Health.
- The HKSAR Government is implementing a territory-wide COVID-19 Vaccination Programme with priority vaccination for designated groups that include university faculty and supporting staff. If a staff member has made an appointment for vaccination under the Programme during work hours, does he/she need to apply for leave?
If a staff member has made an appointment for vaccination under the Programme, the staff member may apply to his/her supervisor for time release to go to the centre/clinic for vaccination. Supporting document, e.g., notification of appointment showing the location of the centre/clinic, date and time, should be presented. Subject to operational practicability, heads of departments/units may allow the staff member to receive vaccination by time release.
- I am planning to travel to the mainland. Is there any advice for me?
To reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 in the territory and facilitate the University to resume services as soon as the outbreak is under control, the University has decided that from 5 February 2020 onwards until further notice, the following new arrangements will be implemented for all staff travelling to the mainland:
For staff members taking a trip to the mainland that begins on or after 5 February 2020, they are required to notify their respective heads of departments/units (HoDs) prior to making their trip, including the begin/end dates and place(s) of visit, irrespective of whether it is taken during their own accrued leave or rest days. They should take their own accrued leave for such a duration that allows them to undergo ‘self-isolation’ at home (if they returned to Hong Kong before 8 February 2020) or ‘compulsory quarantine’ (if they return to Hong Kong on or after 8 February 2020) for 14 days counting from the date of their return to Hong Kong. Such staff members should therefore apply for their own accrued leave for self-isolation or compulsory quarantine, as the case may be, prior to the trip or the said charging to their own leave accounts will be arranged for such purpose afterwards.
If the staff concerned is able to produce evidence to the satisfaction of the HoD that the trip to be made to the mainland is out of necessity (e.g., to activate visa endorsement, to renew travel document upon expiry, to attend the wedding ceremony of an immediate family member in the mainland, etc.) or is duty-related, the HoD has the discretion to exempt the staff concerned from applying for his/her own accrued leave to enable him/her to undergo the 14-day self-isolation or compulsory quarantine, as the case may be, after the trip. Instead, the staff concerned may be allowed by the HoD to work from home for the same period of 14 days (counting from the date of return to Hong Kong).
- Are overseas trips advisable and what should I do in case I need to travel?
The Government has issued Red Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) on all overseas countries/territories. Overseas trips are not advisable. For leave-taking and other personnel matters, please click here for detailed information.
- If I reside on the mainland and commute regularly to work in Hong Kong, do I need to apply for leave while staying on the mainland?
The head of Department/Unit may consider the approval of a specific period of work-from-home arrangement for you due to special circumstances. For the avoidance of doubt, this arrangement is only applicable if you have evidence showing a mainland address as your residence, i.e., you have no other residence in Hong Kong, before 4 February 2020.
- What should I do if someone from my family has recently returned from overseas and is under compulsory quarantine in the same place where I am living?
With effect from 25 March 2020, staff members who share the same living premises with a person under compulsory quarantine should stay home and not come to campus, or visit any University premises or facilities, until the quarantine period of the person concerned has expired. You should report your status to the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection (CHPP) via the Information Coordinator at 3943 6436 during office hours or email to healtheducation.uhs@cuhk.edu.hk, and conduct medical self-surveillance for 14 days, counting from the day you started living with the person under compulsory quarantine under one roof, with the online form. You should also discuss with your supervisor(s) to make appropriate work-from-home arrangements during the said period.
Heads of Departments/Units are advised to ensure that all their staff members are aware of the measures above, and to facilitate them to comply with the requirements.
Concerning Heads and Foremen
- I am doing and supervising some research work which is laboratory based. Could the research postgraduate students in my team be called upon to work in the laboratory?
Approval from the relevant Head of Department/unit should be sought. Postgraduate students who are still in the mainland should not be asked to return to Hong Kong or campus.
- A colleague is now in a locked-down city outside Hong Kong and cannot come back to work. How should I handle his/her absence?
If a staff member is stranded in a place where outbound transportation is not permitted, leave is not required, but the staff member concerned should maintain contact with his/her office. Proper leave of absence is required, however, when outbound transportation is resumed.
- A colleague is now overseas and does not want to make a trip back due to the risk of travel.
Staff travelling and staying in a place other than a locked-down city should take proper leave of absence.
- Who can I approach for more advice?
For enquiries, please contact the CHPP Information Coordinator at 3943 6436 (office hours) or by email to healtheducation.uhs@cuhk.edu.hk.
For medical conditions, please consult medical staffers of the University Health Service.
Concerning our Campus and Services and Activities thereon
- What measures on social gathering on campus has the University taken?
Except for emergency and essential activities crucial to the operation of the University, all forms of activity and social gathering among students and staff on campus should be kept to a minimal and abide by the gathering ban imposed by the Government.
- Do I need to wear a mask on campus?
Those on campus are required to wear masks in accordance with the Government regulations.
- Where can I buy masks on campus?
Mask vending machines are installed on the following spots on campus:
- G/F Entrance, North Block, Science Centre
- 3/F Lift Lobby, Lee Shau Kee Building
- 7/F Lift Lobby, Mong Man Wai Building
- UG/F Lift Lobby, Wong Foo Yuan Building
- 2/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park (Next to LT7)
- G/F Lobby, Cheng Yu Tung Building
- Anything done to maintain environmental hygiene on campus?
Cleaning has been stepped up throughout the campus. School buses, washrooms, public areas and hostels are now cleaned more frequently. Frontline security staffers, school bus drivers and members of the Estates Management Office will wear masks while on duty. Hand sanitization is provided on various locations on campus.
- Are University facilities open and services available?
The out-patient services of the University Clinic continue to operate as usual. Details of shuttle bus service on campus can be viewed on Transport Office’s website. For the latest information on Library services and opening hours, please check here. For details of the opening hours of other facilities of the University, please refer to the announcements of the respective offices.
- Are the canteens on campus open?
Infection control measures for the dine-in arrangement in CUHK canteens will be in accordance with the Government regulations. For the details of opening hours and arrangements, please contact the respective canteens or visit here.
- Our department is planning to organize a conference. Would the University advise going ahead with it?
The University advises all departments/units/offices to postpone upcoming large-scale events including conferences and banquets or cancel them as the case may warrant.
What if I…?
- Finally, what should I do if I feel unwell?
If you have respiratory symptoms, you should wear a surgical mask, refrain from work or attending class, avoid going to crowded places and seek medical advice promptly.
Last updated: 8 March 2021