Announcement on Hostel Assignments (2022/2023)


The hostel assignments in 2022/2023 for successful residents are announced as follows:


  1. If you would like to apply for pair-up of preferred roommate(s), please submit the "Application Form or Pair-up of Roommate" to the Dean of Students' Office in person or via email to, on or before 12 August, 2022.  Room allocation will be arranged by the College randomly for those with nil reply.
  2. The draw for room allocation will be done in the College Office. Student representatives from different student bodies of the College, including Student Union and Hall Associations, will be invited to monitor the process of drawing lots.  The results of the room allocation will be released no later than 26 August, 2022.
  3. Please note that NO hostel/room swapping will be allowed in the year 2022/2023.

Results of Hostel Assignments