

Prof. Dong DONG
BA (Fudan), MPhil (CUHK), PhD (U of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
As Principle Investigator
2020-2021 Real-world research of people with rare diseases in China. Funded by Beijing Society of Rare Disease Clinical Care and Accessibility. RMB500,000
2020-2021 Hong Kong parents’ perceptions on Down syndrome: A Q-method study. Direct Grant, CUHK. HK$61,000
2020-2021 An international field study for the reliability and validity of the Phase IV EORTC Quality of Life modules for patients with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (EORTC QLQ-HL27), high-grade non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (EORTC QLQ-NHL-HG29), low-grade non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (EORTC QLQ-NHL-LG20), and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (EORTC QLQ-CLL17). The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC, AISBL-IVSW). €5,375.
2019-2021 GHMUA Great Bay Symposium on Rare Diseases. Funded by “Funding for Sub Alliance-粵港澳高校公共衛生聯盟,”OALC, CUHK. HK$50,000.
2019-2021 The general social survey of people affected by rare diseases in China: A baseline study. Funded by Beijing RYBH Foundation. RMB 254,200
2017-2020 Winning the “Second Chance”: Prenatal genetic testing, personal choices and national future. RGC General Research Fund (GRF). HK$789,888
As Co-Principle Investigator
2016-2020 Centre for Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acids. Theme-based Research Scheme Project. HK$31.28M
As Co-Investigator
2020-2022 Investigation of Hong Kong’s early detection, assessment and response (S-EDAR) system to the new emerging infectious disease outbreak COVID-19. Food and Health Bureau - Health and Medical Research Fund Commissioned Research on the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). HK$2,970,000
2020-2022 Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions on Post Discharge Information Summary (PDIS): application of the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) to identify barriers and enablers for implementation. Food and Health Bureau - Health and Medical Research Fund, HK$930,032
2019-2022 Tender for the Provision of Services of the Monitoring and Evaluation Study of Kwai Tsing District Health Centre. Food and Health Bureau, $25,251,930
2017- 2020 Uneven distribution of high-quality healthcare resources in Chinese cities and its sociospatial implications. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), RMB 1,020,800
Rare diseases:
Xu RH, Wong ELY, Jin J, Dou Y, Dong D.* (2020). Mapping of the EORTC QLQ-C30 to EQ-5D-5L index in patients with lymphomas. The European Journal of Health Economics (SSCI, Q1, *corresponding author)
Dong, D., Jin, J., Oerlemans, S. et al. (2020) Validation of the Chinese EORTC chronic lymphocytic leukemia module – application of classical test theory and item response theory. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 18, 96 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12955-020-01341-z (SSCI & SCIE, Q2)
Yan, X.; He, S.; Dong, D*. (2020). Determining How Far an Adult Rare Disease Patient Needs to Travel for a Definitive Diagnosis: A Cross-Sectional Examination of the 2018 National Rare Disease Survey in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17, 1757. (*Corresponding author, SSCI Q1)
Yan X., Dong D., He SJ, and Webster CJ. (2020). Examining trans-provincial diagnosis of rare diseases in China: The importance of healthcare resource distribution and patient mobility. Sustainability. (SSCI, Q2)
Dong D.* & Wang Y. (2016). Challenges of rare diseases in China. The Lancet, 387(10031), 1906. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(16)30418-4. (SCIE, Q1, *corresponding author, Correspondence)
Health equity and social justice
Chen, S., Chen, Y., Feng, Z. et al. Dong D*. (2020). Barriers of effective health insurance coverage for rural-to-urban migrant workers in China: a systematic review and policy gap analysis. BMC Public Health 20, 408 (2020). doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-8448-8 (*correspondence author, SCIE Q2)
Chung, RYN, Dong D., Chan, NNZ, Chau, PYK, Yeoh EK, and Wong ELY. (2020). Examining the Gaps and Issues of End-of-Life Care among Older Population through the Lens of Socioecological Model – A Multi-Method Study of Hong Kong, World’s Leader in Life Expectancy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SSCI, Q1)
Chung, G.K., Dong, D., Wong, S.Y. et al. (2020). Perceived poverty and health, and their roles in the poverty-health vicious cycle: a qualitative study of major stakeholders in the healthcare setting in Hong Kong. International Journal for Equity in Health 19, 13 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-020-1127-7 (SSCI, Q1)
Griffiths SM, Dong D., Chung RYN. (2018). Forgotten needs of children left behind by migration. The Lancet, Volume 392, Issue 10164, pg. 2518-2519, doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)33004-6. (SCIE, invited commentary)
Tang, SF, Dong D, Lu J, et al. (2015). What contributes to the activeness of ethnic minority patients with chronic illnesses seeking allied health services? A cross-sectional study in rural western China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (9), 11579-11593. doi:10.3390/ijerph120911579. (SSCI, Q1)
Reprogenetics and informed decision-making
Zhu JF & Dong D. (2018). From quality control to informed choice: Understanding “good birth” and prenatal genetic testing in contemporary urban China. In Routledge Handbook for Genomics, Health and Society (pp.47-54). London: Routledge, 2018.
Ahmed S., Jafri H, Rashid Y, Yi H, Dong D., Zhu JF, and Ahmed M. (2019). Autonomous decision-making for antenatal screening in Pakistan: views held by women, men and health professionals in a low-middle income country. European Journal of Human Genetics (SCIE, Q2)
Ahmed S., Yi H, Dong D., Zhu JF, Jafri H., Rashid Y, Ngan OMY, and Ahmed M. (2018). Interpretations of autonomous decision-making in antenatal genetic screening among women in China, Hong Kong and Pakistan. European Journal of Human Genetics, 4(26), 495-504. doi:10.1038/s41431-017-0091-1. (SCIE, Q2)
Health communication
Fu H., Dong D.*, Feng D. et al. (2017). To share or not to share: A cross-sectional study on health information sharing and its determinants among Chinese rural chronic patients. Journal of Health Communication, 22(10), 800-807. (SSCI, Q1, *co-first author)
Dong, D.* & Chan K. (2016). Authorization, rationalization, and moral evaluation: Legitimizing acupuncture in Hong Kong’s newspapers. Asian Journal of Communication, 26 (2), pp.114-132. doi: 10.1080/01292986.2015.1089915 (SSCI, *corresponding author).
Dong D., Chang TK & Chen D. (2008). Reporting AIDS and the invisible victims in China: Official knowledge as news in the People’s Daily, 1986-2002. Journal of Health Communication, 12 (4), 357-374. (SSCI, Q1)
Edited book:
Chan K. & Dong D. (eds.) Traditional Chinese Medicine: Professionalization and Integration in Hong Kong. City University of Hong Kong Press, 2019
Last Updated: 27 July 2020