Prof. VAN AMEIJDE, Jeroen (梵敏淵)
Assistant Professor
Director, MScUD Programme

MSc Arch & Bldg Tech (TU Delft)
3943 6588
Jeroen van Ameijde is Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), teaching and conducting research in architecture, urban analytics and data-driven design. Before joining CUHK, he taught at the Architectural Association for 11 years, as well as at University College London and the University of Pennsylvania. He has more than 10 years’ experience as practising architect and urban designer, including as a partner and director at Urban Systems Office (2012-18), where he coordinated the design and development of several large-scale residential, mixed-use and master planning projects for private and governmental clients in China.
Jeroen’s research interests focus on the intersection between urban design and architecture at dense urban locations, exploring how the organisation and mixing of social, cultural and economic activities can be guided through advanced computational methods for data management and design testing. He employs “generative design” as a methodology to develop programmatically complex urban and architectural proposals, and as a value system to evaluate and speculate how these interventions can contribute to the growth and development of the city over time.
Jeroen has published and lectured internationally and has coordinated workshops in collaboration with numerous universities. His recent research work includes studies into high-density urban regeneration strategies in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and the urban form and public spaces of Hong Kong’s public housing.
Research Interests
- Urban Architecture, Urban Planning and Design
- Public Space Analysis and Design
- Public Housing
- Urban Analytics and Big Data Analysis
- Data-driven and Generative Design
van Ameijde, J. “The Architecture Machine Revisited, Experiments Exploring Computational Design and Build Strategies Based on Participation.” In Cyber-physical Architecture #2, Dr. Sang Lee & Dr. Henriette Bier, TU Delft (eds.), SPOOL 2019.
van Ameijde, J. “Non-standard Housing, Generative Design Strategies for Differentiated Residential Projects.” In M. Haeusler, M. A. Schnabel, T. Fukuda (eds.), Intelligent & Informed – Proceedings of the 24th CAADRIA Conference – Volume 2, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 2019.
van Ameijde, J. “Generative Architectural Design and Build Strategies Based on the Mapping of Human Behaviour.” In Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, 537-44. Berlin: International Association of Automation and Robotics in Construction, 2018.
van Ameijde, J. and Y. Song. “Data-Driven Urban Porosity, Incorporating Parameters of Public Space into a Generative Urban Design Process.” In Learning, Adapting and Prototyping – Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, vol. 1, edited by T. Fukuda, W. Huang, P. Janssen, K. Crolla, and S. Alhadidi, 173-82. Hong Kong: The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), 2018.
van Ameijde, J. and B. Carlin. “Emergent Urban Ecologies: The Edge Space in Urban Vietnam.” In Arch+ Magazine 227, February 2017.
van Ameijde, J., B. Carlin, and D. Vlieghe. “Emergent Constructions: Experiments Towards Generative On-site Design and Build Strategies Using Customised Digital Devices.” In ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies – Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), 539-45. San Francisco: California College of the Arts, 2012.
van Ameijde, J. “Fabrication-based Design.” In SPACE Magazine 538, September 2012, 80-87.
van Ameijde, J. and Carlin, B. “Digital Construction: Automated Design and Construction Experiments Using Customised On-Site Digital Devices.” In Digital Physicality – Proceedings of the 30th eCAADe Conference, vol. 2, edited by H. Achten, J. Pavlicek, J. Hulin, and D. Matejovska, 439-46. Prague: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2012.
Male-Alemany, M., J. van Ameijde, and V. Vina. “(FAB)BOTS, Customised Robotic Devices for Design and Fabrication.” In Fabricate: Making Digital Architecture, edited by R. Glynn and B. Sheil, 40-47. London: Riverside Architectural Press, 2011.
van Ameijde, J. “Digital Prototyping at the Architectural Association.” In File to Factory. The Design and Fabrication of Innovative Forms in a Continuum, edited by M. Voyatzaki, 107-11. Thessaloniki: Art of Text, 2010.
Advised Theses
CHAN Chi Yan, Eirene, “Healing Space, An Urban Filter to Alleviate Public Mental Health,” 2018-19
CHOW Ka Lok, Tim, “Adaptive Ecologies: A Living Environment Based on Self-Organisation,” 2018-19
SIU Chun Hung, Tony, “An Adaptable and Dynamic Urban Space – Establishing a Social Common,” 2018-19
Honours and Recognitions
2019: CUHK Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), “Creative Technologies – A Heuristic Approach to Digital Design and Fabrication Tools in the Classroom” (with Prof. Adam Fingrut (PI) and Prof. Hilary Ng Ka-yan).
2019: Design Trust Seed Grant, “Emergent Urban Ecologies” Workshop and Installation, Hong Kong.
2018: Direct Grant, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK, “Standard / Non-Standard Housing, a Typological Analysis of Standardisation and Variation within Hong Kong’s Public Housing”.
2018: Research and Design Studio Sponsorship, AECOM Fund for International Collaborative Design Studios.
Honourable Mention in Master Planning, “The Plan” Awards 2015, for the project “Changyuan CBD Masterplan”.
RIBA Windows 2015 Shanghai, selected as one of the 10 UK practices to collaborate with Shanghai Xintiandi and the Culture and Education Section of the British Consulate General in Shanghai.
Finalist, 2014 International Competition for the “Changsha Centre”, invited by Beijing North Star Group.