Executive Committee

Executive Committee for the year of 2021/2022

Position Name Department / Unit


Mr. CHUNG Lok Wai Steve
Global Studies Programme
Prof. NGAI To
Department of Chemistry

Dr. LAM Shi Ying Joyce
School of Biomedical Sciences

Ms. MOK Yeuk Ki Edith
New Asia College
Recreation Officers

Prof. CHEN Hsuan Ting School of Journalism and Communication

Mr. NG Chun Hung
Physical Education Unit
  Prof. WONG Wing Tak Jack
School of Life Sciences
General Affairs Officers
Dr. CHAN Sze Nga Sarah
School of Chinese Medicine
  Dr. HO Pik Ki Peggy
Art Museum
  Prof. WAI Hoi To
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 
Other Officers

Mr. CHAN Chi Ho School of Biomedical Sciences
  Ms. CHEUNG Wincy Wing Sze New Asia College

Mr. LAU Ching Henry Department of Japanese Studies
  Ms. LEUNG On Kei Angela New Asia College

Prof. LEE Jyh-An Faculty of Law
  Ms. NG Man Fung Fiona Communications and Public Relations Office

Dr. POON Kwok Ho Stephen Department of Marketing
  Dr. WOO Tze Yan Jessie Department of History
  Prof. YE Jia Department of Translation