College General Education
All New Asia students are required to take 6 units of College GE courses. There are two compulsory courses for Year One students and ONE elective course to be taken by students of Year Two or above.


Compulsory courses (4 units)

GENA1112 Aspects of General Education:for local undergraduates and conducted in Cantonese.
The basic objective of the course is to broaden the horizon of first year students of New Asia College. Adopting an ecological model, topics related to the developmental contexts of university students, including cultural system, societal system, school system and personal system are introduced in the course. Students taking this course will be able to acquire a basic understanding of the Chinese culture, Hong Kong society, university life, and their own development. In addition, students are encouraged to develop critical views on the related issues in these areas.


GEJC1120 College, University and Community:for non-local undergraduates and conducted in English.
This College General Education Course is jointly offered by Chung Chi, New Asia and United Colleges to their first- year students, and taught in English. This course introduces the basic elements of university education, campus life, personal development and social responsibility.

*Students who would like to add/drop any of the courses above should submit their application to the College General Education Office.

GENA1113 Student-oriented Teaching and Seminar
The overall objective of this course is to help students to acquire an understanding of university education, the role of university students in the society and adjustment to university life. This course adopts a small group and a less structured teaching format. Throughout the course, students are expected to explore topics related to university education (e.g. role of university students) and the society (e.g. current social issues), with the aims of promoting the problem-solving, seminar presentation and report writing skills of the students. Students are expected to have active participation and contribution in the course under the guidance of the teacher.

Elective courses (2 units)
Students have to choose one subject as elective course.

Courses Information (2022/2023)
Course Code
Course Title

Term 1

Term 2

 Course Outline 2021/22

(for reference only)

GEJC 1120 College, University & Community 2
GENA 1112 Aspects of General Education 2  

GENA 1113 Student-oriented Teaching & Seminar 2

GENA 2112
The Characteristics of Western Culture

GENA 2122 Issues in American Culture and History 2  

GENA 2142 Appreciation of Literature 2  

GENA 2152 Appreciation of Art     *Course outline provided 2020/21 only 2  

GENA 2192 Women, Men and Culture 2

GENA 2212 Debates in Human Values 2  

GENA 2232 Founders' Ideals and New Asia Spirit 2


GENA 2272 Appreciation of Western Art 2

GENA 2292 American Themes Through Creative Expression


GENA 2322 General History of China 2  

GENA 2322A General History of China 2

GENA 2332 Peoples and Culture of South East Asia 3

GENA 2342 Appreciation of Music Cultures  2 


GENA 2352A Service Learning Project 2


GENA 2352B Service Learning Project 2  

GENA 2362 Intangible Heritage in Hong Kong 3

GENA 3070D Media and Everyday Life 3  

Please logon CUSIS to browse Course Catalog and Programme Information or visit the Undergraduate Student Handbook 2022-23 under the website of Academic and Quality Section for course details. 

Students of senior year entrants
Second-year entrants of the New Asia College are required to take 2 units of the College General Education courses during their first year of attendance:

    GENA1112 Aspects of General Education

    GEJC1120 College, University and Community




Ms. Amy Yip

Ms Priscilla Kwan

3943 1619
3943 7604


General Education Office, 1/F Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College


Course Add/Drop Form for Undergraduate Courses

Application For Using Other Course To Fulfil College General Education Requirement

