Committee on Student Installations and Artworks on Campus

Prof. TAM Wai Ping Lukas

Deputy Chairperson

Prof. HO Siu Kee

Ex-officio Members

Prof. CHEUNG Kam Siu Kenneth (Dean of Students)
Miss LUK Man Chung Jean (College Secretary)


Prof. KIM Minku Prof. POON Tat Pui Eric Prof. TAO Shuhui
1 student representative from Arts Society of the Department of Fine Arts
1 student representative from College Student Union


 Effective Date : 01 August 2022


The College campus, being an attractive spot of culture and arts, is displayed with installations for various purposes from time to time, for example, for learning of students majoring in Fine Arts and for activities of the College Student Union. In view of the increase in the number of display items, it is necessary for the College to draw up relevant policies (including the rights and duties of the students concerned), so that the space can be shared among various parties with different needs, for the flourishment of culture and arts. 


Vision and Mission

Drawing up relevant policies related to the display of student installations and artworks on the campus in a bid to promote culture and arts, to extend the learning area, and to demonstrate the spirit of culture and arts, aiming in an enrichment of   College life at large.

(A)     Terms of Reference

          1.     Draw up policies related to items for short-term display;

          2.     Process applications based on the relevant policies;

          3.     Review the effectiveness of the existing policies and propose the way forward.


(B)     Composition

          1.     The Committee consists of a maximum of 15 members and has a number of 5 members 

                     currently; The Dean of Students and the College Secretary are ex-officiate members;

          2.     There are 1 Student Representative from the Arts Society of the Department of Fine Arts 

                     and 1 Student Representative from the College Student Union;

          3.     The Chairperson is appointed by the Assembly of Fellows, while the Secretary is appointed 

                     by the College Secretary.


(C)     Meeting Schedule

          1.     A meeting has to be convened at least once in each academic year;

          2.     The Chairperson may convene other meeting(s) if necessary.




          12 January 2017