Funding Support for Student Activities

Student Activity Fund


The College established this Fund to subsidize individuals or student bodies to gain experience in organizing and taking part in an array of activities. Types of activities to be subsidized include international activities (e.g. competitions, talks and seminars), short-term overseas exchange programmes, study trips, courses, annual performances and community services. The Fund is open for applications by College students and student bodies under the College according to the designated timeframe in the year.




Application Guidelines and Form


The College also subsidizes student activities with the following funds:

  1. Manda Young Wing Yan Cultural and Arts Activity Fund  (Click here for details)
  2. 1981 Chinese Language and Literature Alumni Chinese Culture Activity Fund (Click here for details) 
  3. Mr. Wong Wing Ping Student Enrichment Memorial Fund — Dream A Little Dream Scheme (Click here for details)

Ms. Edith Mok
Dean of Students' Office
