Videos of New Asia College 70th Anniversary Lectures

Date Lecture   Video
15 Mar 2019 -
 20 Mar 2019
70th Anniversary Lecture of New Asia College & 32th Ch'ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture by Prof. Li Wai-yee

1st Lecture: "Objectifying People and Humanizing Things in the Chinese Tradition "

2nd Lecture: "Elegance and Vulgarity: Ming Qing Literature and Material Culture "

3rd Lecture: "Inconvenient or Unnecessary Details in Zuozhuan"

1st Lecture              2nd Lecture         3rd Lecture

16 May 2019
New Asia College 70th Anniversary Lecture by Prof. Ambrose Y.C. King “Changes of China’s Culture of Learning since Late 19th Century"
  This lecture narrates the historical background to the changes in China’s culture of learning in the past century, traces the development of “Science” in the 20th century and, at the same time, reflects on the problems created within.

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16 Oct 2019 -
 21 Oct 2019
70th Anniversary Lecture of New Asia College & 6th New Asia Lectures on Confucianism by Prof. Yang Rur-Bin

1st Lecture: "The First Type of May-Fourth Movement: The Role of Confucianism in the New Culture Movement of Modern China"

2nd Lecture: "How did the May-Fourth Movement Lead to the Revolution of 1949: The Dynamics of Mythology"

3rd Lecture: "Conflict and Development of Confucian Dao-orthodoxy in Ming Dynasty"

1st Lecture              2nd Lecture         3rd Lecture

10 Nov 2019 -
  11 Nov 2019
70th Anniversary Lecture of New Asia College & 11th Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History by Prof. He Jun

1st Lecture: "Reshaping the doctrine and Shelving the Classic — Dan Zhu’s studies of the Spring and Autumn Annals (Chunqiu) as an example"

2nd Lecture: "The philosophy of “understanding the essence to achieve practical use” (Ming Ti Da Yong) and its rise and fall — Hu-Learning (Huxue) as an example" (cancelled)

1st Lecture                 

15 Sept 2020
New Asia College 70th Anniversary Lecture by Prof. Rocky S. Tuan “Regenerative Medicine: Promises, Challenges, and Ethical Issues"
  This lecture narrates the concepts on regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies, the conceptual and technical challenges and the related ethical issues and controversies.
Prof. Tuan’s talk was originally scheduled last year in celebration of the College’s 70th Anniversary, and then re-scheduled as the first Assembly in the academic year 2020-21.

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