Mentorship Programme
New Asia College Mentorship Programme 2021-22 is now open for application! Please click on the links below for registration:
Mentor application:
Mentee application:


The programme also comes with a "Career Apprenticeship Scheme". It aims at providing more intensive training to mentees. Please Click here for more details.

After online learning of more than a year, we believe that you would much anticipate coming back and meeting your friends in New Asia College. In the beginning of this academic year, we cordially invite you to join the “New Asia College Mentorship Programme 2021/22”. If you are interested in knowing more about New Asia College and meet new friends and experienced alumni of different years, you are most welcome to join!


Providing career advice is not the only focus of the programme, we also pay much emphasis on advancing mentees’ studies and conduct. Mentors in our programme will not only provide career advice to mentees, but also organize various recreational and educational activities. Mentors and mentees can become friends and they share their life in New Asia and other experiences with each other. 

The College will match mentees with suitable mentors in the form of small groups according to their preferences (e.g. their interests and expected field of careers). Four small groups will form a big group. Members of the big groups are required to meet during the programme period. They are also expected to organize various activities to widen mentees’ knowledge and life experiences.
The College will hold a Career Talks Day to provide career information of different fields to the mentees. A Career Apprenticeship Scheme will also be held to train up mentees with the skill sets for job hunting. 
All students of New Asia College are welcome to join the Programme.


  • - To establish mentoring relationship between alumni and students
  • - To provide platforms for alumni and students to interact, exchange ideas and share experiences.
  • - To help students gain exposure and enrich social life through mentor-mentee connections.
  • - To build up and strengthen relationship among alumni, students and the College.

Programme Overview

  • - Programme period: Every October to May of next year
  • - All students of New Asia College are welcome to join the Programme. Under first-come-first-served bases, the quota depends on the participation rate of mentors. Priority will be given to students who have not joined this Programme before.
  • - Alumni of New Asia College who have graduated for 5 years or above (i.e. Graduates of 2015 or earlier would be eligible for the Programme) are welcome to take up the role as mentors. Each mentor will lead 1-3 student mentees.

Click here to read the Introduction to NAC Mentorship Programme and the Quick Guide to New Asia Mentorship Programme 


College Development Officer (Alumni Affairs)

Mr. Kelvin Cheung

New Asia College

