Saunter for pleasure, or stop for a fine view along the streams. The finest one is at the start of your walk.
Each view of the same mountain is unique, and you choose your way of looking.
Pace yourself and follow your heart.
Take calm breaths,
relax and walk on. Preparation and support from others are the key to reaching new heights. Reach the summit and behold the vast surroundings. Enlightenment is within your grasp. The beauty of travelling lies in sharing your adventures with your companions.
Take calm breaths,
relax and walk on. Preparation and support from others are the key to reaching new heights. Reach the summit and behold the vast surroundings. Enlightenment is within your grasp. The beauty of travelling lies in sharing your adventures with your companions.
Students’ Testimonial
歡迎咁多位Freshmen BB進入UC呢個地方,喺呢度你會識到一班人生中最重要嘅朋友,同你一齊留底歡笑聲喺聯合山城,喺你遇到挫折嗰陣陪你一齊捱,為你嘅大學生活增添色彩。
- Andrew (CSCI/Year 4)
- Yu Ming (IBBA/Year 4)
當初揀書院嘅時候,其實我都係亂填,心入面冇任何嘅preference,甚至唔記得first choice係咪填咗聯合。但係結果話比我知聯合係個好不錯的地方,我唔知我入咗其他書院嘅話我嘅大學生活會係點樣,但至少呢一刻嘅我十分滿足。各位freshmen,無論你係本身好想入UC,或者只係唔小心撞咗入嚟,都歡迎你地加入呢個大家庭。多啲喺呢度發掘下唔同嘅事物,為你地自己嘅大學生活添上意義啦。
- Marcus (FNSC/Year 4)
- Hinson (IERG/4)
It is an absolute honour to become a part of the United College community throughout my university life. I am incredibly grateful for the exposure and opportunities that UC has provided for me. Having had the privilege to receive scholarships pertinent to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and whole-person development, I always feel as if UC is my chosen family who constantly supports my dreams and ambitions in any fashion. Upon graduation, I look forward to staying in touch with UC and supporting fellow UC students whenever necessary. Thank you, UC and I am always proud to be a part of UC College!
- YIP Yuk Long (2022/ENSC)
Entering the university in the year of covid outbreak, the much-expected vibrant and refreshing school life seemed all but impossible. Amidst the monotonous semesters, however, UC brought in the silver lining. With the joint endeavours of the college members, we were provided with ample opportunities to connect with fellow students and explore their potential. It was through these platforms that I, a UC student, could not only meet like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds, but also become a part of a warm and welcoming community. I also had the pleasure to work with staff whom I can see pour their heart and soul into improving our well-being.
To let in a secret - UC was not my first choice when I was a clueless freshman. In retrospect, I am nothing but immensely grateful that I became, and will continue to be, a proud member of United College.
To let in a secret - UC was not my first choice when I was a clueless freshman. In retrospect, I am nothing but immensely grateful that I became, and will continue to be, a proud member of United College.
- Jessica Lee (ELED/Year 2)
- 蘇梓蔚 (生物/二年級)
- 黃幗芙(新聞及傳播學/四年級)
Turning into a university student may bring you fears of the unknowns ahead. You may doubt if you can integrate socially. Or you may feel worried about your new school life. Fortunately, my first year in UC gives me no fears but comfort. What UC offers is not only a lovely campus, but also opportunites for you to explore your own potentials. I hope you may also discover your values and meet good friends here in UC, just like what we do!
- Ruby Lee (ENGE/Year 2)
- 黃天穎 (2020/新聞及傳播學)
I am proud and thankful that I can be one of the UC students. United College allowed me to have different opportunities to know more about the world and brought me an unforgettable university life. I hope I can end this article by sending my most sincere gratitude to United College. Thank you, UC!
- LEE Wai Man (2020/CHLL)
- 李文靜 (2021/中國語言及文學)
I remember myself walking into United College with full excitement back in 2019. This is my very first home in Hong Kong, where I have learned to observe, experience, and enjoy cultural differences. Here, I have met many kind, amazing, and talented people from different backgrounds speaking different languages. To me, UC is more than just a college as it gives me countless exposure to the diversity of life. It is the people that make this place incredibly special. The connections I have built and the wonderful moments I have spent around UC are so valuable that it becomes unforgettable, and I am really glad to be a part of United College.
- KHUMJUANG Autchariya (IBBA/Year 4)
- 陳雅汶 (2022/新聞及傳播學)
United College has been home away from home for me. It has been there to hear me out in tiring times and has supported me in unconditional ways when in college and otherwise too. The time that I have spent in this college has allowed me to make new friends from people around the world and helped me in my overall development. Through various events organised by the college and facilities provided by UC, it has allowed me to complement my intentions with my actions. Hoping to have two more years of an unforgettable experience at the college!
- BAJAJ Rishika (CSCI/Year 4)
- 林河辰 (2022/統計學)
- 張皓翔 (計量金融學及風險管理科學/四年級)
- 陳偉 (2021/歷史)
- 譚曉汶 (2021/歷史)
Congratulations on your admission to United College!