Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1996
Accountancy and Engineerin g Student s Wax Lyrica l for Tiny Tot s children in Hong Kong may soon be singing to the tune of 'Good Health is Like the Sun', a nursery song co-produced by two first-year CUHK students, which w o n the prizes for best composition and best lyrics at a theme-song-writing contest. The contest, which took place in December 1995, was organized by the Foundation fo r Children's Health. Lyric-writer Keith Giang Tsz-sheung from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering feels the University's large and tranquil campus has been a major source o f inspiration for him. Composer H o T a t - ma n f r o m t h e Sc h o o l o f Ac c oun t an cy believes the song w o n because it is simple, catchy and refreshing -- everything a nursery song should be. K e i t h G i a ng Tsz-sheung and H o T a t - m a n ( l e f t 4 & lef t 5, back r o w) at the p r i z e - g i v i n g c e r e m o n y Federation of Business Students, in whic h teams from seven local tertiary institutions participated. T h e y h a d t o i ma g i n e themselves a s the chie f executive officer of the giant French retailer Carrefour, and develop the most viable strategy for establishing a Carrefour hypermarket i n the best-suited Chinese city. The competition was held i n two parts — one i n v o l v i ng a w r i t t e n proposal, and another an oral presentation. I n the course o f the latter, May Hung, a fourth-year student, w o n the Best Presenter Award. On the CUHK team were also Mok Sau-han, Tse Tsz-wai, Cheung Suet-mui, Lam Pui-sze, and Cheung Yee-mei. The CU team f or the B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y C o m p e t i t i o n w i t h D r. A n d r e w Chan ( l e ft 3) of the D e p a r t m e n t of M a r k e t i n g 19
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