Bulletin Winter 1976
Dr. Choh-Ming Li 's Opening Speech It is a great honour for The Chinese University of Hong Kong to host and co-sponsor the 4th Asian Conference on Art Education held here today. It is propitious that this University should be chosen as the site for the Conference attended by artists and art educators from 14 metropolis of this region. The Chinese University has always aspired to be an institution of international character ever since its inception. This aspiration derives not only from its geographical location at the crossroad of the international academic world but also from its firm belief in the integration of Chinese and Western cultural traditions and the implementation of an inter-disciplinary educational programme. We have all along held that individual arts should bear close association with one another. The conception of “Seven Arts" in the West and “Six A r t s " (六藝) in ancient China has given art a broad base. In our modest way, we have made an effort to provide the Conference with the following cultural activities in the University: (1) An Exhibition of Chinese Jade Carvings through the Ages at the Art Gallery, which is a teaching gallery; (2) An Exhibition of a Collection of Art Books at the University Library ; (3) An Art Exhibition by the students of the Fine Arts Department of New Asia College ; (4) A Chinese Music Evening arranged by Chung Chi College. This is to show our support as well as our faith in the ideals of the International Society for Education through Art. In any country, be it developing or developed, cultural growth should be as strong as its industrial growth. Unfortunately, more often than not, too much importance is attached to commerce and industry, technological innovation and advancement at the expense of arts and the humanities. This will eventually lead to a state of inflation and cultural stagnation. A gradual decline in spiritual life and human value would result in a quandary of unbalance and dislocation. This is evidenced in the troubled times we have in the world today. Now is the occasion for artists and art educators to speak out and let their voices be heard. Only through your creations and interpretations of these creations can people be reassured of their courage and faith in universal ideals, in mutual understanding and love, in a richer and more imaginative life. It is your role to raise them above the mediocre, the mundane, above mere "bread-breaking" . Without realizing it, people are searching for something more meaningful and colourful, for something that will give them Comfort and a sense of direction. These can only come from the free exchange of progressive and constructive ideals shared by you all. Art is a universal language that breaks down all national barriers, appealing directly to people's imagination, enriching their aesthetic experience and stimulating their sense of wonder. To our regret, the artist's own concept of his basic ideals is usually ignored. It is hoped that this Conference would provide a platform from which artists and art educators can speak frankly and honestly about their beliefs, their problems and their role in the changing world today. Let me wish you every success in your deliberations. Now I have the honour to declare the Fourth Asian Conference on Art Education open. Thank you.
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