Bulletin Winter 1978

*The Chung Chi Room will be fully operational for the 1979-80 session. 25 Senate Committee on Instructional Development ‘ I I Instructional University Development Instructional Media Activities Services (UIMS) Seminars + -•Workshops on the use and • Provision of equipment application of audio-visual aids Programmes for new staff _ + Administration of AV Rooms -•Consultation on instructional design • + Servicing and repair Minigrants • + Preparation of teaching materials Occasional publications • ^Printed resources: books, articles etc. Photographic services for teaching and research Bulletins and newsletter-* •Catalogue, ordering and delivery service for films and materials from town + Video and audio tape copying Research into university^——•Special projects Consultation on teaching facilities teaching and learning Figure 1: SCO ID Related Activities Figure 2. Availability of Equipment AV Rooms UIMS Equipment CC* N.A. U.C S.C Library (for loan) 1 6 mm Film Projector > / > / > / > / > / V Super 8 Film Projector V V V V V V Overhead Projector V V V V V \ / Slide/Cassette Projector V V V V V V Cassette Tape Recorder V V V V V V Portable P. A. V V V V V V Film Strip/Cassette Projector ^ V V Opaque Projector ^ V V V V i d eo Playback ( VHS, P AL signal , . , o n l y) V V V V i d eo Playback (American signal , . possible) V V V