Newsletter No. 382
No. 382, 4.9.2011 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 全民監測流感 • Community Surveillance of Influenza 冬 夏兩季是香港流行性感冒肆虐的季節。簡稱「流 感」的流行性感冒,是由病毒引致的呼吸道傳染 病,爆發起來,往往令人猝不及防。監測流感是重要的公 共衞生工作,目的是達到有效預警,一般由政府負責。至 於概念嶄新的民間流感 監測,在歐洲澳洲已行 之有時,最近也開始在 香港推行。 中大何鴻燊防治傳染研 究中心建立名為EcSS的 實驗系統,利用網絡平 台,直接監測香港社區 的流感情況。該系統每 周自動以電郵方式,提 示社區流感監測員回答 幾條有關健康狀況的問 題。EcSS的研究人員利 用蒐集得來的數據,進 行流行病學分析,追蹤流感在香港的傳播和動態,並推測 未來走勢。結果會上載至網站,並以研究報告方式發表。 該中心的李瑞山教授( 圖 )解釋:「醫院診所是常規流感 監測點,從檢測到報告需要時間較長。用智能手機直接詢 問市民,可補官方系統的不足。」有參與計劃的監測員表 示:「EcSS操作簡單,參加社區流感監測更是十分有意義 的事。」 要令網上流感監測可靠,有賴社區持續參與。因此該中 心希望擴大EcSS監測網絡,邀請市民到網站 www.ecss. hk ,登記成為社區流感監測員。EcSS設有流動版本,方便 以智能手機和網站互動。這個公開平台已於2011年8月1日 正式啟動。 I nfluenza, or flu, is a respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. In Hong Kong, it normally reaches peak prevalence in summer and winter. When influenza outbreaks occur, it usually spreads too fast to be contained, leading to social disruption. That is the reason behind a new concept called community surveillance of flu, which is meant to complement governmental surveillance, facilitating early warning, prompt response and community preparedness. Common in European countries and Australia, the concept is now introduced to Hong Kong. The Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases of CUHK has established an electronic platform called E-community Surveillance System, or EcSS, to support the community surveillance of flu. The system sends a weekly e-mail alert to registered persons, asking them to answer a few simple questions about flu symptoms. With the data thus collected, EcSS researchers can conduct epidemiologic analyses, track transmissions, and predict spread patterns of flu. Information will be uploaded to the EcSS website and used to produce research reports. ‘Conventional influenza surveillance involves collection of data from hospitals and clinics, which takes a long time before reporting is made,’ said Prof. Lee Shui- shan ( photo ) of the centre. ‘With the popularity in the use of smartphones, people in the community can be directly inquired about their flu symptoms, significantly shortening the lead time of surveillance.’ One community participant of the surveillance network remarked, ‘EcSS is easy to operate. And it’s meaningful to contribute my bit to flu monitoring.’ The success of community influenza surveillance depends on the sustained participation of the community. The centre wants to expand the surveillance network and invites members of the public to join EcSS as surveillance correspondents by logging into . A mobile version is also available. The system has been operational since 1 August 2011. 新亞耶魯合辦校友領袖交流會 • New Asia College Holds Alumni Exchange Symposium with Yale 校 友對母校的歸屬感及饋贈,對大學的發展極為重 要。有見及此,新亞書院與耶魯大學校友組織Yale Global Alumni Leadership Exchange於7月29至30日 合辦「全球校友領袖交流會」,就校友事務發展交流經驗 及探討未來發展方向。 牛津大學中國辦事處發展總監(亞洲)道俊言先生擔任主 題講座講者,以「校友事務在亞洲的過去、現在與將來」為 題,與參加者分享校友事務的最新發展,並探討如何通過 加強校友關係推動院校拓展工作。會議同時邀請多位擁有 豐富校友事務經驗的耶魯大學校友擔任小組討論講者,就 「如何向年輕校友及學生推廣饋贈文化」及「如何提升校 友重聚、校友日及校友活動成效」這兩個議題進行深入討 論。是次會議有逾一百二十位來自耶魯、中大及其他海外 及本地院校的校友領袖參加。 T he difference between a good university and a great university is sometimes the willingness of alumni to contribute. In view of this, Yale Global Alumni Leadership Exchange (YaleGALE) and New Asia College jointly organized the YaleGALE Programme (Hong Kong Programme) on 29 and 30 July. The symposium featured a keynote speech by leading alumni relations practitioner Mr. Jeremy Woodall, Director of Development (Asia), University of Oxford China Office in Hong Kong. Under the theme ‘Alumni relations in Asia: past, present and future’, Mr. Woodall shared his valuable views and experiences on how to enhance alumni relations in Asia, and its connection with advancement. Following the keynote speech, two panel discussion sessions themed ‘Building a philanthropic culture among tomorrow’s alumni and recent graduates’ and ‘Reunions, homecomings and special events’ moderated by alumni leaders from Yale University were held on the same day. More than 120 alumni relations professionals from Yale University, CUHK, as well as other local and overseas universities and institutions, took part in the symposium. 《中大通訊》電子版 新亞書院院長信廣來教授(左)向道俊言先生致送紀念品 Prof. Shun Kwong-loi (left), Head of New Asia College, presents a souvernir to Mr. Jeremy Woodall Online Version of CUHK Newsletter 更多校園消息,盡在《中大通訊》電子版 More news of the University, only a click away.
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