Newsletter No. 342
12 No. 342, 4.9.2009 鄭振耀 1 你是兒童骨科專科醫生,兒童骨骼不是一般都會正 常發展的嗎? Your specialty is paediatric orthopaedics. Isn't it true that children have few orthopaedic problems? 香港社會比較富裕,醫療條件好,正常發展似是必然,其實在 發展中或貧窮國家,兒童的骨骼成長仍是充滿危機,先天疾 病、細菌感染、小兒麻痺症的後遺症、意外創傷等,都威脅着兒 童的正常成長。就算在香港,先天性畸型、早產引起的連帶問 題、運動或交通意外導致的創傷、脊柱側彎等,都是兒童骨科 常見的問題。 In Hong Kong, the normal development of children and adolescents is taken for granted. This is certainly not the case in developing countries where different congenital diseases, infections, poliomyelitis, trauma and other diseases still pose great threats to the normal growth and development of children. Even in Hong Kong, congenital deformity, problems arising from premature delivery, trauma from sports or accidents, and scoliosis deformity are still common paediatric orthopaedic problems. 2 兒童體格需要正常成長,年輕人的心智要怎樣才會 得到正常發展? What does it take to grow a young person’s intellect? 中國老話,德智體羣美;以現代術語來說,即身心健康並重。心 智學養大概包括知識、技能和態度幾方面;知識與技能,有軟 有硬,有通識,有專業,包括資訊科技及終身學習的;態度則 更重要,關係到人怎樣看待自己、家庭、社會及對生命與世界 的看法。中大提供眾多形式及非形式學習機會,全人教育就是 要令同學在知識、技能和態度方面得到充分及均衡的發展,為 未來各種挑戰做好準備,共同建設和諧共融的世界。 A well-balanced education is fundamental to the normal intellectual development of any young person. University education can be broadly grouped into learning activities related to knowledge, skills and attitude. This would include general and specialized knowledge, generic and professional skills as well as critical thinking and lifelong learning skills. The cultivation and development of appropriate attitude, purpose and value towards oneself, family, society, life and mankind are equally important. CUHK offers many formal and non-formal educational and learning opportunities. The objective of our holistic approach to education is to give balanced emphasis to knowledge, skills and attitude so that our graduates are well-equipped to take on future challenges and play a part in fostering a harmonious and tolerant world. 3 你的醫學訓練及經驗,對你作為大學高級主管的工 作有甚麼影響? Does your experience as a doctor influence your work as a senior administrator of the University and how? 我的專業要求我與兒童及家長有良好真誠的溝通,給予愛心 與關懷,這是成功斷症及治療的一部分,但也是往往為人所忽 略的事實。醫學訓練令我更重視紀律、步驟、分析客觀事實及 邏輯驗證,由診斷到選擇治療方案、治療、康復、處理併發或突 發問題,盡量身心情理兼顧。這些對處理大學行政事務都有正 面影響。 In my professional training and practice, compassionate communication with children and their parents is of great importance and is the first step towards successful diagnosis and giving them the help they need. My medical training has made me keenly aware of the need for discipline, and the importance of properly planned procedures, objective analysis and logical deduction in the diagnosis, treatment and handling of complications which may arise unexpectedly. This holistic approach has helped me in discharging my duties as a member of University management. 4 你曾任大學輔導長,熟悉學生事務,你認為中大學 生有何獨特之處? You are very much in touch with students. In your eyes, what makes a CUHK student unique? 中大生予人的印象是樸實、友善、關心社會和母校。踏入社會 工作,他們是誠實可靠、勤懇和有良好團隊精神的實幹分子。 我想這必與校園環境氛圍及書院制有關。校園的自然景致、人 文薰陶,以至書院生活中同輩純摯、兄弟姐妹般的友誼及師友 的關顧,塑成一代代中大人的精神輪廓。 Our students are honest and friendly young persons who care about society and their alma mater. Our graduates are dependable and diligent team-players with solid knowledge in what they do. I think this must have to do with the campus environment and our collegiate system. The natural surrounding on campus, the humanistic ambience, and the camaraderie among peers and with their teachers complete the portrait of CUHK men and women. 5 中大很早便開展國際學生交流計劃,多年來成效甚 彰,今後將面對甚麼新挑戰? CUHK is a pioneer in student exchange and has achieved a lot in this area. What’s the next challenge? 我們會進一步提升質和量,並深化各項計劃。中大的交流夥伴 遍布歐美及亞洲 (包括內地),而且開始擴展至中南美及南非。 我們會與友校建立更多的多元聯合課程及共同研究項目,令 本科及研究生有機會到著名學府或實驗室學習,進一步擴闊 國際視野,體驗跨文化交流。 We aim to further improve, advance and expand our students’ global vision and cross-cultural experience. We will continue to explore and develop a new variety of quality joint teaching programmes and research collaborations with our partners. We will also increase internship opportunities for both undergraduate and postgraduate students in studying or carrying out research at renowned institutions and laboratories worldwide. 6 你經常接待各地來的訪客,又到世界各地大學訪問, 外面的人怎樣看中大? You have received many visitors from the mainland and abroad, and you have visited many places to promote CUHK. How does the world see CUHK? 單是過去一年,到訪中大的內地以及海外訪問團達三百多個。 以前不少訪客以為中大純以中文授課,而且主要開授人文學 科,但隨着交流頻繁,愈來愈多內地及國際高等教育界的朋友 認識到中大是一所中英並重,且在學術研究上水平很高的多 學科綜合型大學。 Last year, over 300 mainland and overseas delegations visited CUHK. In the past, many institutions had the impression that the language of instruction at CUHK was only Chinese and that we offered only humanities subjects. With close and frequent contact, many of our counterparts on the mainland and overseas have come to know of CUHK as a bilingual comprehensive university with outstanding academic and research performance. 7 以你所見,近年中國大陸高等教育界有甚麼變化? What changes have youwitnessed in themainland’s higher education sector? 發展非常急速,量和質以幾何級數提升。近十年以來,內地不 少高校合併和擴展,綜合型大學數量大增,規模愈來愈大,質 素愈來愈高。現在每年高考人數達一千多萬。近年內地更開始 投放大量資源重點發展教學和研究,積極推動高校科技產業 化。 The changes have been tremendous in terms of pace, quality and quantity. The number of comprehensive universities on the mainland has increased manifold in the last 10 years, and they are getting bigger and better, attracting over 10 million applicants nationwide each year. Significant additional resources have been injected to enhance education, research activities and technology transfer. 8 自3月底甲型流感H1N1開始蔓延至今,中大校園的 應變如何? Can you summarize CUHK’s experiencewith Influenza A H1N1 in the past few months? 一開始我們便嚴陣以待。健康促進及防護委員會及其核心小 組差不多每星期都開會,透過網頁、電郵及講座為大學社區帶 來最新訊息,並積極推行預防及應變措施,盡量避免各項教學 及學生活動受到影響。國際暑期課程及最近的迎新營有不少 確診個案,我們從跟進照顧這些確診個案中汲取了很多寶貴 經驗,與師生員工共同面對這挑戰。 We took all necessary precautions from the very beginning. The Committee on Health Promotion and Protection and its core group met almost every week, kept the University community informed of the latest developments and implemented action plans to ensure minimum disruption to teaching and student activities on campus. We gained precious experience over the months from outbreaks affecting the International Summer School and the recent orientation camps. The entire University community is fighting the virus together. 9 新學期伊始,你會如何忠告大學成員預防H1N1? What advice do you have for the campus community regarding H1N1 now that school has resumed? 面對肆虐全球的病毒,絕不可鬆懈。大學已有一系列的應變安 排,我們會加強校園各項相關的衞生預防措施,繼續以不同渠 道發放最新資訊及預防指引。但其實最重要的是每個人都要 從個人衞生做起,包括勤洗手、有呼吸道感染病徵須戴上口 罩、生病時留在家中休息,同學應特別注重睡眠,因為充足睡 眠及健康的體格會增強人的抵抗力,減少感染的機會。 We must not let our guard down. The University has put in place the necessary precautionary arrangements and guidelines. We will reinforce preventive measures on campus and continue to update important information and guidelines by different means. On a personal level, we can play our part by undertaking the necessary hygienic measures, such as donning face masks when exhibiting symptoms of respiratory infection, and staying home when not feeling well. Students can never do worse than getting enough sleep. Enough sleep is always a health booster. 10 閒來會做些甚麼? What do you do in your spare time? 我喜歡在家聽聽音樂、看點書。聽的多是古典音樂,書則多是 與歷史、文化、哲學有關的。 I like to read and listen to classical music. Books on history, culture and philosophy are my favourite reads. Prof. Jack Cheng 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問吳基培教授 Prof. Dennis Ng will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming . , . .
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