Newsletter No. 459

459 • 4.6.2015 1 459 4 • 6 • 2015 目錄 Contents 上帝發怒時:地震的科學 When God’s Wrath Visits: The Science of Earthquakes 2 保健大使西安行 CUHK Health Ambassadors to Xi’an 4 五社會賢達獲頒榮譽院士 Five Distinguished Persons Conferred Honorary Fellowships 5 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 6 Letters to a Young Executive 8 宣布事項 Announcements 9 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 9 口談實錄 Viva Voce 10 姜里文教授談努力工作,盡情玩樂的人生態度。(頁10) Prof. Jiang Liwen shares his ‘work-hard, play-hard’ attitude with Newsletter readers. (p. 10) 大展身手 Getting the Hang of the Game 黃庭芳教授揭示 不平靜的地底力量 (頁2) Prof. Wong Teng-fong sheds light on forces at work underground (p. 2) 西 方安魂彌撒曲裏的 Dies irae (震怒之日)一段,又稱末日經,鼓聲雷動, 急號四起,嚎管哀弦,驚呼慄喊,總是讓聽衆神經綳緊得從音樂廳的座 椅上彈跳起來,除了聯想起最後的審判,腦海亦不期然會浮現出各種自然災害的 影像。從物理角度看來,導致山搖海翻的地震,成因是甚麽?我們請得地球系統 科學課程主任與大家重溫一下。 2000年加入本校的姜里文教授,二度獲頒裘槎優秀科研者獎。這次他不向我們 解釋他的研究,而多談了一些個人,相信會令讀者耳目一新。 我們隨着H君與之神交幾近一年的K,最近決定離開校園往外闖。吐露港外是 風平波靜還是驚濤駭浪,無人能預知。年輕人既有探索未知的好奇,我們當然 寄予祝福。 D ies irae or Day of Judgment of the Requiem Mass features thunderclaps by the timpani, the urgent blast of trumpets, and much wailing of the winds and lamenting of the strings. The cries and pleading evoking apocalyptic scenarios can make the audience jump from their seats. From a geophysical perspective, what causes natural disasters such as earthquakes? The director of the Earth System Science Programme will explain. Prof. Jiang Liwen has won the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship Award twice within eight years. He talks to us about students, football and his hometown in Guangxi. K., who has kept up a year-long correspondence with H., has decided to call it quits. Are the waters calm or tumultuous outside the Tolo Harbour? We don’t know. But we do know that young people should have the curiosity to explore, and for this, we wish K. every success. Photo by Tommy Cho Photo by ISO staff