Newsletter No. 356
No. 356, 19.4.2010 NEWS & EVENTS presented a research report titled ‘Globalization of Higher Education—Myth and Reality: The Case of Waseda University, Japan’. The delegation also visited different departments and units at CUHK and met with CUHK Council member cum Legco member the Honourable Chan Hak-kan Gary (7th right) at the Legislative Council. The programme was launched in 1989. Each year, United College invites a university outside Hong Kong to be its partner on this bilateral exchange programme. The United College budding scholars, led by the academic adviser, Prof. Xue Yu, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, paid a visit to Waseda University from 15 to 21 February. 早稻田大學交流團來訪聯合書院 Waseda Delegation Visits United College • 四百員生齊習心肺復甦法 CPR Training for 400 Staff and Students • 大 學保健處與香港紅十字會醫護服務部合辦的大型心肺復甦法訓練於3月19日 下午在大學體育中心舉行,近四百名職員及學生一起學習。這也是首次於大專 院校舉行同類活動,旨讓大家了解心肺復甦法在緊急情況下的重要性。 自動體外心臟去纖維性顫動器(去顫器)在拯救時作用甚大,現時主要車站、商場、大 廈等都已裝設了去顫器,因此訓練當日也安排了去顫器應用示範。完成訓練後,參加者 均獲發參加證書。 A Mass Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training, organized by the University Health Service and Hong Kong Red Cross, was held at the University Sports Centre on 19 March. About 400 staff and students learned and practised CPR together. The Mass CPR Training aimed at raising awareness of the importance of CPR. The Automated External Defibrillation (AED) machine is a life-saving device commonly available at major transport stations, shopping malls and buildings. To help the participants understand AED, a simple demonstration was conducted after the training. Participants were awarded with participation certificates. 日 本早稻田大學國際教育部副院長水戶考道教授 ( 右六 )率領一行十人的萌芽學者學術交流團, 於3月22至28日回訪聯合書院,並以「大學國際化的迷 思與現實—早稻田大學的案例」為題舉行研討會。交 流團亦到訪中大不同部門,以及與大學校董兼立法會議 員陳克勤先生( 右七 )於立法會會面,以加深了解中大及 香港。 萌芽學者學術交流計劃始於1989年,聯合書院每年邀請 世界各地著名學府合作,舉行雙邊學術交流互訪活動。早 於2月15至21日,書院萌芽學者學術交流團,由學術顧問、 文化及宗教研究系學愚教授帶領,出訪早稻田大學。 A delegation from Waseda University in Japan led by Prof. Takamichi Mito (6th right), associate dean of the Centre for International Education, visited United College from 22 to 28 March under the Budding Scholars Exchange Programme. The delegation 工程學院舉行比賽鼓勵環保創意 Engineering Competition Encourages Green Innovation • 為 鼓勵本校學生設計具有可持續概念的工程產品, 工程學院特舉辦「可持續工程挑戰賽」,吸引全校 共五十多隊學生參加。 工程學院副院長黃錦輝教授( 左 )表示:「去年的哥本哈根 氣候峰會令我們意識到現時全球正面對嚴重的碳排放問 題。除在生活上實踐環保理念外,科研人員及工程師其實 更可透過科技發明為環保作出貢獻。今次比賽正好鼓勵 工程學院及其他學院的學生,構思一些解決環保問題的研 究項目。」 評審團最後選出五件入圍作品,於3月31日邀請參賽者向評 審介紹自己的意念。評審團根據作品的可行性、對改善環境 的幫助、新意等標準選出優勝者。冠軍最後由機械與自動 化工程學系博士生張鵬( 右 )設計的嶄新太陽能採集裝置 方案‘New Energy Harvest Device Based on Knudsen Compressor’奪得。 T o encourage CUHK students to design sustainable engineering solutions, the Faculty of Engineering organized a competition called the ‘Sustainable Engineering Challenge’ that attracted over 50 entries campus-wide. Prof. Wong Kam-fai (left), associate dean of the Faculty, said, ‘The Copenhagen climate change conference 2009 made us realize the fact that finding ways to cut carbon emissions is vital to saving our planet. In addition to living a green lifestyle, researchers and engineers can contribute to a greener world by innovation. This competition is intended to urge students of the Faculty of Engineering and other Faculties to devise innovative solutions to tackle environmental problems.’ Five proposals were shortlisted for oral presentation on 31 March. The judging panel judged each proposal in terms of its feasibility, sustainability, novelty, etc., for different prizes. The championship went to the proposal ‘New Energy Harvest Device Based on Knudsen Compressor’, a new device to harvest solar energy and convert it into kinetic energy, by Mr. Zhang Peng (right), a PhD student at the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering.
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