Newsletter No. 347
No. 347, 19.11.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 中大教授獲傑出青年工程師獎 CUHK Scholar Wins Young Engineer Award 機 械與自動化工程學系王昌凌教授( 右 )最 近獲得美國機械工程師學會(ASME)頒 發2009年「工程領域的計算機和信息科學」傑出 青年工程師獎。這個每年一度的獎項是獎勵三十 五歲以下、對工程領域的計算機應用有重大貢獻 的年輕學者。 王教授說:「1999年我還是研究生時參加的第一 個國際學術會議,就是ASME的國際設計工程技 術暨工程領域的計算機和信息科學會議。十年後 我獲頒它的傑出青年工程師獎,感覺得來不易, 因為ASME的成員大都來自美國的大學或研究機 構,美國以外的得獎者不多。」 王教授的研究興趣是三維物件的幾何建模方法、 其應用範疇包括電腦輔助設計和製造、生物醫學 工程和電腦圖形學等。他的研究小組最近集中於 兩項研究:複雜物件的快速實體建模技術,以及 可展自由曲面的幾何 / 物理建模技術。 P rof. Charlie C.L. Wang (right) of the Mechanical and Automation Engineering Department received the 2009 CIE Young Engineer Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). This annual award recognizes a promising young investigator, under the age of 35, who is making outstanding contributions to progress in the application of computers in engineering. ‘ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 1999 was the first international academic conference I attended when I was a graduate student. Ten years later I was elected the recipient of its Young Engineer Award. It’s not easy for an investigator outside the US to get this award since the majority of the ASME community is from US universities or research institutes.’ Professor Wang’s main research interest is geometric modelling methods for three dimensional complex objects, with applications in computer-aided design and manufacturing, biomedical engineering and computer graphics. Two major problems his research group focuses on are the fast solid modelling for complex objects and the geometric/physical modelling of developable freeform surfaces. 聯合書院五十三周年院慶 United College 53rd Anniversary Celebrations • 眾嘉賓主持切餅儀式 Honourable guests at the birthday cake cutting ceremony 職員羽毛球會作客廣州 Staff Badminton Club in Guangzhou • 聯 合書院五十三周年院慶典禮及多項慶祝活動已於10月23日圓滿舉行。書院及學生 會攜手共賀書院生日,舉行了一連串活動,包括10月16日下午舉行的「院慶活動開 幕禮」及「聯合起跑」、10月21日的「大笪地」,以及在23日舉行的五十三周年院慶典禮。 慶祝活動高潮為23日晚於校園舉行的千人宴,節目豐富,除了樂隊、舞蹈表演及幸運抽獎 外,還有名歌星演唱。晚會直至11時多才在全場盡歡的氣氛中結束。 W eeks of celebration, including an opening ceremony, UC Fun Run, Open Bazaar, concluded on 23 October 2009 with the 53rd anniversary ceremony at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. The pièce de résistance of the anniversary activities was the ‘feast-for-a-thousand’ held on the evening of 23 October. The event, featuring a variety show by students and performance by famous pop singers, attracted about 1,000 College staff, students, alumni and guests. 本 校教職員羽毛球會在2003年曾作客廣州中山大學。事隔六年,在黃乃正和任德 盛兩位教授領軍下,球會再訪五羊城,在10月25日星期日在中山大學英東運動 館,與該校中山羽毛球協會再次較量。雖然我隊不敵主隊,但能與強隊切磋交流,得益 匪淺。 T he CUHK Staff Badminton Club visited Guangzhou in 2003 to compete with their counterparts from the Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU). Six years later, led by Prof. Henry N.C. Wong and Prof. Yum Tak-shing, the club faced off their old opponents again on 25 September in the Fok Ying Tung Sports Center at SYSU. Although our team lost to the SYSU team, the members learned a lot from this visit.
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