Bulletin Number One 1984

IASP Catherine Ventura Condon (le ft), a 1982-83 exchange student from Virginia Commonwealth University, wrote to IASP: 'I think that the best way to learn about your own culture is to leave it and study another fo r a while.' David Condon, Jr. (right), a student from the University o f Minnesota who came to CU the same year, should also consider his venture at CU most fru itfu l. He married Catherine after returning to the United States. Clara S.K. Wong, a GBM junior o f New Asia College, found herself playing roles o f both 'representative' and 'Interpretor' o f Hong Kong and Chinese culture at the University o f Kansas. She responded w ith a brilliant performance. Another CU student now in an American campus, however, 'fe lt a b it ashamed' that she 'never talked to any o f the exchange students in CU', and did not know anything about IASP which her foreign friends asked earnestly about. Clara Wong, dancing on China Day in October 1982 at the University o f Kansas. She also helped promote Hong Kong on the said school's International Exhibition Day.