Newsletter No. 389
No. 389, 19.12.2011 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 乳癌研討會 • Breast Cancer Conference 由 中大臨床腫瘤學系與華南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室,以 及香港乳癌基金會合辦的香港癌症研究所第十六屆周 年會議「乳癌研討會2011」,於11月5至6日舉行,雲集澳洲、歐 洲、美國和香港的傑出臨床研究專家及科學家,討論乳癌的傳 染病學和風險因素,交流最新的跨學科治療知識和經驗。 商科生商業賽掄元 • Business Students Win Deloitte uShine Case Challenge 越野賽中大摘男團金牌 • CUHK Shines in Cross-Country Competition 商 學院四名一年級生於11月20日的uShine Case Challenge 2011中,擊敗本港逾一百四十 支隊伍,成功奪冠。比賽由德樂會主辦、德勤會計師行贊助,今年首屆舉行,旨在提升大學 生對會計行業的認識,訓練其分析、表達及合作能力。修讀國際貿易與中國企業的黃曉穎( 左一 ) 和梁栢斯( 左二 ),以及環球商業學學生郭凱傑( 右二 )和羅嘉傑( 右一 )獲頒六千元現金獎,並獲 德勤聘為暑期實習生。 A team of four Year 1 Business School students of CUHK won the championship on 20 November in the ‘uShine Case Challenge 2011,’ organized by the Deloitte Club and sponsored by Deloitte Touche Tohmastsu. Over 140 teams took part and eight teams entered the final round. The contest, being held for the first time, aims to enhance undergraduates’ understanding of the accounting profession, and offer a platform to enrich their analytical, presentation and team-playing skills. The winning team comprised two International Business and Chinese Enterprise students Janice Sue Wong ( 1st left ), Pepsi Leung ( 2nd left ), and two Global Business Studies students, Victor Kwok ( 2nd right ) and Tony Law ( 1st right ). They were awarded a cash prize of $6,000, and internship opportunities offered by Deloitte. 第 廿五屆香港大專體育協會越野賽於11月20日舉行,中大男子越野長跑隊十位成 員以總分壓倒其他隊伍,獲男子團體冠軍。葉東海同學( 左三 )更奪得男子個人 全場亞軍,中大並獲男女子團體季軍。 葉東海表示,他們優勝之處是練習比別人多,每逢周一和周四都會一起訓練,風雨不改。 而比賽當天不少師兄師姐很早來到打氣及歡呼,振奮了隊員的士氣,令他們非常感動。 I n the 25th USFHK Cross-Country Race 2011 held on 20 November, the CUHK men’s team, consisting of 10 athletes, achieved outstanding results and clinched the championship. Yip Tung-hoi ( 3rd left ), a team member, grabbed the 1st runner-up in men’s individual and CUHK got the overall 2nd runner-up. Yip Tung-hoi said the team put much effort into the competition and trained every Monday and Thursday, rain or shine. Many alumni attended and gave support to the team on that morning which boosted their morale. T he 16th Annual Scientific Symposium ‘Breast Cancer Conference 2011’ co-organized by the Department of Clinical Oncology, CUHK; the Hong Kong Cancer Institute; the State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China (CUHK) and the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation was held on 5 and 6 November 2011. Distinguished medical experts and clinical researchers from Australia, Europe, the US and Hong Kong gathered to present on the epidemiology, risk factors and state-of-the-art multi-disciplinary management of breast cancer. The opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 5th left, front row ), Vice- Chancellor, CUHK; Dr. Sandra Swain ( 4th left, front row ), president-elect of the American Society of Clinical Oncology; Dr. Polly Cheung ( 4th right, front row ), founder of the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation; Prof. Anthony Chan ( 1st left, front row ), director of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute, and Prof. Winnie Yeo ( 1st right, front row ), chairman of the conference’s Scientific Committee. 主禮嘉賓包括中大校長沈祖堯教授( 前排左五 ),美國臨床 腫瘤學會候任會長Dr. Sandra Swain( 前排左四 ),香港乳癌 基金會創會人張淑儀醫生( 前排右四 )、香港癌症研究所所長 陳德章教授( 前排左一 )及會議科學委員會主席楊明明教授 ( 前排右一 )。
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