The Call of CUHK Colleges
為促進港美學生交流,新亞書院與耶魯大學合辦交流活動,每年訂定主題,擬定研究項目,通過學術講座、研討會及訪問 活動,讓兩校學生對兩地社會、文化及科技發展有更深入的了解。新亞學生先於農曆新年期間訪問耶魯,向該校學生報告 研究結果,並參觀相關設施及機構。耶魯學生則於 3 月回訪新亞,匯報研究所得。 New Asia College has a student exchange programme with Yale University that aims at enhancing participants’ understanding of social, cultural and scientific issues in the two regions. The programme includes academic seminars, a symposium, research, visits to local organizations and other activities relevant to the particular theme for exchange. New Asia students pay a two-week visit to the US during the Lunar New Year period while Yale students come to the College in March. 17
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