Annual Report 2005–06
校園發展與環境保護 Campus Development and Environmental Protection 89 校園安全 大學安全及環境事務處透過資訊傳播、安全工作指 引、安全訓練和監察等方式,以確保校園的工作及 學習環境安全。在各書院及部門的通力合作下,員 生的安全意識從而得以提高。 人事處在新入職員工的迎新會上,安排了工作安全 及環境保護簡介。二零零五至零六年度為現職員工 安排了共二十三個關於工作安全及心理健康的講座 及工作坊,參加人數達一千六百多人。 年內,教資會安排了一個由本地及海外專家組,實 地考察和評審大學的安全管理。大學的安全管理策 略及努力甚獲讚賞,大學安全委員會亦積極考慮專 家組的改善建議,並制定了未來六年的策略計劃, 以期能按步實施及提升安全管理的素質。 保護環境 校內的主要環保問題可歸納為五點:空氣污染、能 源消耗、噪音及震動、廢物管理和用水及排水。大 學防患未然,推行各種措施和監測計劃,減低污染 程度,以免污染影響人體健康。 空氣污染問題 建築和翻新工程的承建商必須依照指示,採取既定 措施,例如蓋好建築材料、澆水、噴霧式灑水及清 洗工地等,以防止工程產生灰塵和黑煙。大學亦鼓 勵承建商採用預製建築組件。這些組件可減少工地 上切割、鋸開、釘牢等工作,減少污染物排放,滋擾 也較少。 此外,校方鼓勵所有司機「停車熄匙」,加強駕駛者 的環保意識。而為了紓緩校內交通,蒙民偉樓及何 善衡工程學大樓等建築物全部按地形設計,升降 機可到達校園高低不等的地面,校內多處都開闢了 小徑,加以美化,務求校園方便步行,減少車輛造 成的空氣污染。 能源消耗 能源管理方面,工作小組制定了一系列策略及計劃, 以協調及推動能源節約,如政策及指引、管理及組 織架構、能源消耗量系數及基準、宣傳及教育,以 及節能工程政策支援及問卷調查等。為配合政府的 環保政策,大學於二零零五年已向各部門發出加強 節能措施通函,促請各部門落實以下節能措施: ·在夏季把空調設定於25.5°C 。 ·在冬季當室外氣溫低於20°C時,應關掉空調系 統之製冷部份,只啟動通風系統,保持空氣流 通。 Air Pollution To prevent dust nuisance and smoke emissions, contractors were instructed to take measures such as proper coverage of construction materials, as well as wetting, spraying and washing. Prefabrication was adopted to reduce air pollution on site. This reduces the amount of on-site work, thereby limiting emissions and nuisance to the campus community. In addition, ‘Engine Off, Wait for Green’ was promoted to raise drivers’ awareness of green driving practices. Buildings, such as the Mong Man Wai Building and the Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building are designed with elevators that provide access to different levels of the campus. Footpaths with enhanced streetscaping were constructed to promote a pedestrian campus. Energy Consumption The Energy Savings Task Force conducted detailed studies and consolidated a proper course of energy conservation action in 2004. In 2005, in line with the government’s environmental policy, a letter was circulated to all departments and units recommending the following energy saving measures: • Set indoor air temperature at 25.5 °C in the summer months; • During winter, when the outdoor temperature is below 20°C, maintain appropriate indoor air ventilation by turning on the fan without the cooling function. Numerous measures initiated by the Energy Saving Task Force were implemented by the EMO such as the Campus-Wide Lighting Retrofit Programme, installation of an energy-efficient water-cooled air- conditioning system, installation of a building management system, tariff switching, and installation of occupancy sensors. In summer 2004, a pilot solar project was initiated by the Energy Saving Task Force. Eleven sets of evacuated tube solar heating collectors were installed in the Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building. Following its success, 21 sets of evacuated tube solar heating collectors were installed in the Sports Centre in 2005. Noise and Vibration The University has introduced a number of measures over the years to reduce the impact of noise. Construction works are not allowed on campus from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am on weekdays and are completely banned on Sundays and public holidays. Particularly noisy works are restricted to pre-office hours, lunchtime and after office hours to avoid undue disturbance to classes and office operations. All major works are scheduled in the summer months to reduce disturbance. Waste Management The University has made a concentrated effort to reduce waste through the implementation of the ‘4 Rs’ Strategy of Reduce, Replace, Reuse and
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