The Call of CUHK Colleges

伍宜孫書院以「創新志業及社會責任」為一年級生的首項通識課,引導學生了解自身角色、社會責任和與社會的關係。繼而走入社會,認 識社會環境課題,了解經濟主導的社會如何運作,創意經濟如何有助推動社會進步,最後是學習怎樣發掘自身的創意潛能。四年級生則 需修讀「專題討論」通識課程。 The first general education programme administered to freshmen admitted to Wu Yee Sun College is titled ‘Entrepreneurial Spirit and Social Responsibility’. Its objective is to guide students to understand the role that they play in society, their social responsibility and their relationship with society. This is followed by programmes which usher students into society and introduce them to social issues. They will be shown how an economy-driven society operates, and how economic innovations work to promote social progress. The programme concludes with ways and means to realize one’s own creative potentials, and final-year students are all required to undertake a ‘College Senior Seminar’ programme. 11