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image of Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos
Room 316, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building
(852) 3943 9687
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image of Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos
Room 316, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building
(852) 3943 9687

Amos P. K. TAI 戴沛權

Associate Professor & Director
  • Ph.D., Engineering Sciences (Environmental Science and Engineering), Harvard University, 2012
  • B.Sc., Environmental Engineering Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007
Academic Employments:
  • Director, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2022 – present
  • Associate Professor, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2019 – present
  • Associate Director, Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2021 – present
  • Associate Director, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2021 – present
  • Assistant Professor, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013 – 2019
  • Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012 – 2013
Research Fields and Current Research Interests:
  1. Liu, X., Tai, A. P. K.*, Chen, Y., Zhang, L., Shaddick, G., Yan, X., & Lam, H.-M. (2021). Dietary shifts can reduce premature deaths related to particulate matter pollution in China. Nature Food, 2(12), 997-1004. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-021-00430-6
  2. Liu, X., Tai, A. P. K.*, & Fung, K. M. (2021). Responses of surface ozone to future agricultural ammonia emissions and subsequent nitrogen deposition through terrestrial ecosystem changes, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(23), 17743-17758. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-17743-2021
  3. Tai, A. P. K.*, Ma, P. H. L., Chan, Y.-C., Chow, M.-K., Ridley, D. A., & Kok, J. F. (2021). Impacts of climate and land cover variability and trends on springtime East Asian dust emission over 1982–2010: A modeling study. Atmospheric Environment, 254, 118348. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118348
  4. Li, J., Tam, C.-Y.*, Tai, A. P. K.*, & Lau, N.-C. (2021). Vegetation-heatwave correlations and contrasting energy exchange responses of different vegetation types to summer heatwaves in the Northern Hemisphere during the 1982–2011 period. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 296, 108208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108208
  5. Wang, L., Tai, A. P. K.*, Tam, C.-Y.*, Sadiq, M., Wang, P., & Cheung, K. K. W. (2020). Impacts of future land use and land cover change on mid-21st-century surface ozone air quality: Distinguishing between the biogeophysical and biogeochemical effects. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(19), 11349-11369. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-11349-2020
  6. Fung, K. M., Tai, A. P. K.*, Yong, T., Liu, X., & Lam, H.-M. (2019). Co-benefits of intercropping as a sustainable farming method for safeguarding both food security and air quality. Environmental Research Letters, 14(4), 044011. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aafc8b
  7. Sadiq, M., Tai, A. P. K.*, Lombardozzi, D., & Val Martin, M. (2017). Effects of ozone-vegetation coupling on surface ozone air quality via biogeochemical and meteorological feedbacks. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(4), 3055-3066. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-17-3055-2017
  8. Fu, Y., & Tai, A. P. K.* (2015). Impact of climate and land cover changes on tropospheric ozone air quality and public health in East Asia between 1980 and 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(17), 10093-10106. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-15-10093-2015
  9. Tai, A. P. K.*, Val Martin, M., & Heald, C. L. (2014). Threat to future global food security from climate change and ozone air pollution. Nature Climate Change, 4(9), 817-821. https://doi.org/10.1038/Nclimate2317
  10. Tai, A. P. K.*, Mickley, L. J., & Jacob, D. J. (2012). Impact of 2000-2050 climate change on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air quality inferred from a multi-model analysis of meteorological modes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(23), 11329-11337. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-12-11329-2012
  11. Tai, A. P. K.*, Mickley, L. J., & Jacob, D. J. (2010). Correlations between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and meteorological variables in the United States: Implications for the sensitivity of PM2.5 to climate change. Atmospheric Environment, 44(32), 3976-3984. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.06.060
See https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/essc/tgabi/research.html for full list of publications
Honours and Awards:
  • Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences (YASHK), since 2018
  • Vice-Chancellor Exemplary Teaching Award (2014), CUHK, 2015
  • World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Research Award for Young Scientists (2015), WMO, 2015
  • Exemplary Teaching Award (2014, 2019), Faculty of Science, CUHK, 2015 & 2020
  • Early Career Award (2014/15), Research Grants Council (Hong Kong), 2014
  • Croucher Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research, Croucher Foundation, 2012 – 2013
See full CV for full list of honors and awards
Professional Activities:
  • Editor, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, international journal, since 2022
  • Guest Editor, Research topic: Agriculture and food supply challenges in a changing climate, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems and Frontiers in Climate, international journals, since 2021
  • Founding Member, Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences (YASHK), since 2018
  • Member, Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) Scientific Steering Committee, since 2018
  • Member, GEOS-Chem Scientific Steering Committee (GCSSC), since 2017
  • Co-Chair & Member, Climate-Ecosystem-Chemistry Working Group of GCSSC, since 2017
  • Member, Hong Kong Entomological Society, since 2014
  • Member, Croucher Scholars Association, since 2014
  • Member, American Geophysical Union (AGU), since 08/2011
  • Honorary Secretary, YASHK, 2018 – 2021
See full CV for full list of past professional activities
  • ESSC2020 Climate System Dynamics
  • ESSC3600 Ecosystems and Climate
  • EASC5001 Research Frontiers of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • ESSC2600 Biosphere, Climate and the Environment
  • ESSC3010 Continuum Mechanics
  • ESSC3220 Atmospheric Chemistry
  • ESSC4210 Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Boundary-Layer Meteorology
  • ESSC4510 Statistical Methods and Data Analysis for Earth System Science
  • ESSC4520 Numerical Methods and Modeling for Earth System Science
  • GECW1010 University and Society
Short Courses
  • CUSA1007 Climate Physics and Chemistry
College Affiliation in CUHK:
C.W. Chu College
  • Tai, A. P. K.*, Lai, E. K. C., & Lee, K. K. Y. (2018). Climate injustice as manifested by global food insecurity: A Christian exposition and call for actions. In P. T. M. Ng, W. T. Leung, & V. K. T. Mak (Eds.), Christian Mind in the Emerging World: Faith Integration in Asian Contexts and Global Perspectives (pp. 159-186). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Research Grants:
  • PI, Marine Ecology Enhancement Fund, Impacts of climate change, water quality, and marine traffic on Cetacean population and distribution in Hong Kong (Ref. No.: MEEF2021009), Marine Ecology and Fisheries Enhancement Funds Trustee Limited, HK$506,600, 01/07/2021 – 30/06/2022
  • PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)/Research Grants Council (RGC) Joint Research Scheme 2020/21, Combined effects of ozone pollution and nitrogen deposition on forest primary productivity and water use in China (Ref. No.: N_CUHK440/20), RGC, HK$1,134,330, 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2024
  • PI, General Research Fund 2020/21, Impacts of 21st-century land-use and land-cover change on surface ozone air quality: Incorporating the effects of biosphere-atmosphere interactions and feedbacks(Proj. No.: 14306220), RGC, HK$599,861, 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2023
  • Co-PI, Provision of consultancy service to conduct a study on ecosystem services in Hong Kong (Ref. No.: AFCD/SQ/225/19/C), HKSAR Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department, HK$2,254,605, 04/03/2020 – 03/02/2022 (shared among four PC/Co-PIs)
  • PI, State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (SKLA) / Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) Project Fund, Effects of irrigation and water-saving practices on regional climate and agricultural productivity in semiarid regions of China (Proj. No.: 8300070), SKLA/ITC, HK$265,192, 01/04/2019 – 31/03/2021
  • Co-PI (Project Manager), Environmental performance evaluation and pathological assessment of Acacia slopes (Ref. No.: Hy(S) Q/026/2018), HKSAR Highways Department, HK$1,261,828, 04/06/2018 – 05/07/2020 (shared among four PC/Co-PIs)
  • PI, General Research Fund 2016/17, Effects of agricultural nitrogen emission and deposition on air quality and climate through biogeochemical and vegetation feedbacks (Proj. No.: 14323116), RGC, HK$540,824, 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2020
  • PI, International Development Fund, Impacts of future climate and land use changes on public health and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, WUN, HK$209,154, 01/01/2016 – 31/12/2017
  • PI, General Research Fund 2015/16, Factors controlling the temporal variability of East Asian dust: implications for air quality and climate through ocean biogeochemical feedback (Proj. No.: 14306015), RGC, HK$501,255, 01/01/2016 – 30/06/2019
  • PI, Early Career Scheme 2014/15, Impacts of ozone-mediated ecosystem changes and biogeochemical feedbacks on air quality and climate (Proj. No.: 24300614), RGC, HK$1,158,901, 01/01/2015 – 31/12/2017
  • PI, Croucher Study Award – Start-up Allowance, Impacts of historical and future land use and land cover changes on air quality and public health in East Asia (Acc. No.: 6903601), Croucher Foundation, HK$500,000, 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2018
See full CV for full list of research grants and contracts