SHHO Student Awarded CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services

Chan Wing Yin, a Year 3 S.H. Ho student majoring in Global Business Studies, was among the five selected scholarship recipients. Prof. Samuel Sun, Master of the College, and the Chan's family attended the ceremony to congratulate her achievement.

On 30 November 2015, the first presentation ceremony of the CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services was held in University Administration Building. ); Chan Wing Yin, a Year 3 S.H. Ho student majoring in Global Business Studies, was among the five selected scholarship recipients. Prof. Samuel Sun, Master of the College, and the Chan’s family attended the ceremony to congratulate her achievement.

The ceremony was officiated by The Honourable Lai Tung-kwok, Secretary of Security of the Government of the HKSAR; Dr. Wong Yu-hong, Philip, donor of the Scholarship; Dr. Leung Fung-yee, Anita, chairman of the Committee of Overseers of Lee Woo Sing College; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and fellow of S.H. Ho College; and Prof. Lau Wan-yee, Joseph, Master of Lee Woo Sing College. Prof. Fok expressed his gratitude to Dr. Wong, who generously donated HK$1 million to the University for establishing a new scholarship scheme to recognize outstanding full-time undergraduates whose parents are current or retired employees of disciplinary forces in Hong Kong. Every year, the scholarship committee will select five students with excellent academic performance to receive this award. Fung Tung-yee, Winter, a Year 3 medical student from New Asia College, expressed her gratitude to the donor and supporters on behalf of the award recipients. Subsequently, scholarship recipients presented a thank you card to Prof. Joseph Lau; while Dr. Wong Yu-hong and Dr. Anita Leung were presented a souvenir and thank you letters by Prof. Fok and the recipients. The ceremony came to a successful close.