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Earth System Science Programme
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Button to: Graduate Division of Earth & Atmospheric Science
Seminar Announcement
A new integrated programme “Earth and Environmental Sciences (EESC)” is introduced for admissions in 2022-23.

Seminar 16 Aug 22
Professor YANG Hongfeng recently conducted comprehensive studies of the high-resolution structure & earthquakes near the Challenger Deep, and his team's recent paper was the research spotlight of AGU Eos

Seminar 26 Aug 22
A Leaky Himalaya? Streamflow Composition and Dynamics Affected by Rifts and Faults in the Yarlung Zangbo River in Northern Himalayas by Dr. FAN Linfeng, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Seminar 2-4 Aug 22
EASC Online Student Summer Workshop 2022

Seminar 18 Jul 22
ESSC undergraduate student LAU Shu Lam received 2022 Innovation and Technology Scholarship

Seminar 17 Jun 22
The 2022 Tonga Volcanic Tsunami: Lessons from a Global Event by Dr. Adam Devlin, School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, China

Seminar 18 May 22
Our Geoscience Outreach Programme has conducted 18 activities to secondary schools and the public between Jan-April. One of them (「礦物的奧秘」) was co-organized with MoCC and the vido recap is now available.

Seminar 16 May 22
Professor Arthur Cheng was appointed Honorary Fellow by CUHK in recognition of his exceptional achievements in geophysics and outstanding contributions to the University and the community.

Seminar 25 Feb 22
Seismic Imaging of Partial Melting in the Tonga Mantle Wedge by Professor Songqiao WEI, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, U.S.A.

Seminar 6 Jan 22
Remote Sensing of Land Deformation and Early Warning of Geo-hazards for Sustainable Development by Dr. Peifeng MA, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Seminar 4 Jan 22
Coupling Data Science and Numerical Simulations to Empower Atmospheric and Environmental Research by Dr. Zhonghua ZHENG, Advanced Study Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research, U.S.A.

Seminar 28 Dec 21
CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China

Seminar 16 Dec 21
Professor LIU Lin's article is covered in the lateset issue of CUHK in Touch

Seminar 3 Dec 21
Local to Global Drivers of Past and Future Sea-Level Change by Professor Nicole KHAN, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong