Self Manifestations of S.H. Ho College Graduands
Graduands are often busy with dissertations and attending job interviews for future long-term development. Thirteen S.H. Ho College graduands, however, chose to review their college life over the past three to four years to explore their dreams and what they ...
When Rhododendrons Blossomed
The rhododendron blossom on the University campus reminds us of Graduation Photo Day, and the memorable moments shared by S.H. Ho graduands were on 28 March 2014. Dressed in gowns representing their respective faculties, the College’s second cohort of graduands ...
’Sublime Tranquility’ Art Exhibition
An art exhibition entitled ‘Sublime Tranquility’ of Miss Yung Ngai-man, an aspiring Chinese painter, was held from 9 April to 2 May 2014 at S.H. Ho College. More than 40 artwork including paper and porcelain paintings were displayed. Miss Yung is the ...
The Art of Debating
In debating, one side often prevails over the other side by presenting an argument based on logical consistency, factual accuracy and some degree of emotional appeal to the audience. This is the art of debating. At S.H. Ho College, two ...
The Reinvigorating Encounter
Coffee originated in the Arab world. Coffeehouses and coffee culture flourished in the Middle East, and gained wide popularity after getting rooted in the Europe of the 17th century. As the only reinvigorating drink at that time, together with its ...
Dr. Rebecca Lee—An Artist Travelling Around the World
‘Some people doubted what I could achieve in my expeditions, saying that I shouldn’t have left the design industry from which I was making money,’ says Dr. Rebecca Lee, the world’s first woman explorer who has made 18 expeditions to ...
Caring Doctors in Stand TALL Project
It has been more than five years since the Wen Chuen Earthquake happened on 12 May 2008. The casualties caused by the devastating catastrophe posed threats to Sichuan medical system. Stand Tall, a comprehensive orthopaedic rehabilitation programme initiated in the ...
Small Move, Big Change
‘We can leave positive impact on Earth affected by global warming. The change-making factor is eating less meat,’ said Mr. David Yeung, co-founder of Green Monday which is a local social enterprise that encourages Hong Kong people on going meatless ...