S.H. Ho College’s Staff and Students Attended Consultation Forum on Expected Qualities of Next Master of the College
The current term of office of Prof. Samuel Sun as the Master of S.H. Ho College will expire on July 31, 2018. In accordance with the University procedure, a Committee, under the Chairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor, has been set up ...

S.H. Ho College’s 10th Anniversary Lecture on “Introduction to Dream of the Red Chamber” and My Story by Prof. Pai Hsien-yung
Held on 27 March, “Introduction to Dream of the Red Chamber” drew an audience of more than 600 including CUHK teaching staff, students, alumni and the public. This is the first time for Prof. Pai to analyse this masterpiece in ...

Mrs. Eva Lo Retires as Warden of Lee Quo Wei Hall Dr. Lawrence Chiu Appointed as the New Warden
Mrs. Eva Lo has joined S.H. Ho College since May 2011. She had taken up the role of warden of Lee Quo Wei Hall from then on and her wardenship ended in June 2017. Her successor, Dr. Lawrence Chiu, will ...

Alumni Career Talk
In order to facilitate SHHO students to plan their careers before graduation, S.H. Ho College Alumni Association held a career talk in Chan Chun Ha Hall on 8 April, 2017. Five alumni returned to the alma mater and shared their ...

Boundless Film Sound: For Today and Future Generations A Recap on Mr. Kinson Tsang’s Speech
Mr. Kinson Tsang, a local sound designer on films, passed away on 7 September at age 59. Since 1989, Mr. Tsang had provided sound design and post-production services for more than 490 films. He had won many awards in the ...

Mr. Chen Ming Jun’s Zisha Teapot Exhibition
In celebration of the College’s 10th anniversary, the opening ceremony of “Chen Ming Jun’s Zisha Teapot Exhibition” was held in the Gallery of S.H. Ho College on 17 March. The exhibition was a display of close to 50 teapots made ...

Our Guests
Guests from Brown University, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak and University College Utrecht visited S.H. Ho College from March to April 2017. Prof. Samuel Sun, Master of S.H. Ho College, met with them and shared the operation of collegiate system and service-learning ...