
The College has appointed Prof. Fok Tai Fai, Emeritus Professor and Clinical Professor (Honorary), Department of Paediatrics, as Honorary Fellow with effect from 1 June, 2022.
Biography of Prof. Fok Tai-fai
Prof. Fok is former Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Paediatrics at CUHK. He joined the Department of Paediatrics of CUHK in 1984 and served as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine before he took up the position of Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
Prof. Fok graduated in Medicine from the University of Hong Kong and received his MD in CUHK. A paediatrician by training, he served in HKU and Queen Mary Hospital as a Lecturer in Paediatrics, and spent a number of years working in the Neonatal Units at the John Radcliffe Hospital in the University of Oxford, UK and the McMaster University Medical Centre, Canada. He was also the Chief of Service in Paediatrics at the Prince of Wales Hospital.
An internationally renowned paediatrician, Prof. Fok has published over 360 research articles in international journals, and is serving as a member of the editorial boards of a number of international and national medical journals. He is an Honorary Life Member of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society, a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians (London and Edinburgh), Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health, and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and Hong Kong College of Paediatricians. He serves on a large number of committees and advisory boards of the Government and non-government organizations and has contributed significantly to the community. He is Honorary Consultant and Cluster Coordinator in Paediatrics of the New Territories East Cluster, Board Member and Chairman of the Medical Services Development Committee of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Deputy Chairman of the Preliminary Investigation Committee of the Hong Kong Medical Council, and the Immediate Past President of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians.