Sports Development Fund
Sports Development Fund Launched for Application
Students that are interested in organizing College sports teams next academic year can apply the Sports Development Fund before early September.

1. Description of Scheme
The “Sports Development Fund” is newly launched to subsidize the yearly operational cost of S.H. Ho College Sports Teams, including:
- Training
- Jerseys
- Application Fees for Competition(s)
- Drinks for Competition(s)
- Venue Charge(s)
2. Maximum Amount of Funding
- HK$13,000 for each team
3. Application Period
- Main Application Period: Aug – Early Sep
- Supplementary Application Period: Nov – Dec
4. No. of Quota
- Main Application Period: Around 11
- Supplementary Application Period: Around 3
5. Application Method
- Please Notes to Applicants for detailed information.
- Please fill in the application form, and return it with a proposal and a budget plan to Mr. Emery Chan.
6. Enquiries
- Mr. Emery Chan: 39431442