News Centre

22 Aug 2022

Five CUHK researchers recognised by China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2022

22 Aug 2022

Professor Huang Junfei, Associate Professor, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics

Professor Lee Man-chun, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics

Professor Wang Ying, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

Professor Zhang Xiang, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics

Professor Zhuang Xiaohong, School of Life Sciences

Five young scholars from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have received awards from the Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macao) (2022), one of the key funding schemes of National Nature Science Foundation of China. Each of the researchers will receive funding of RMB2 million to support their scientific research projects in Hong Kong for a maximum of three years.

CUHK’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Sham Mai-har said, “I would like to congratulate the five professors on receiving this generous funding from the NSFC to support their work. It is very encouraging to see CUHK’s young scholars being recognised year after year. I wish them every success in their research.”

The five Excellent Young Scientists are Professor Huang Junfei from the Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, Professor Lee Man-chun from the Department of Mathematics, Professor Wang Ying from the Department of Chemistry, Professor Zhang Xiang from the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Professor Zhuang Xiaohong from the School of Life Sciences. Professor Huang’s research project is “Service management”, Professor Lee’s is “Geometric analysis”, Professor Wang’s is “Constructing highly efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction”, Professor Zhang’s is “Basic and translational research in non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases”, and Professor Zhuang’s is “Molecular mechanism of membrane trafficking in plant autophagy”.

The Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macao) was first open to Hong Kong researchers in 2019, allowing young scientists who have demonstrated achievements in basic research to conduct further research in areas of their choice, fostering intellectual development in academics.

Professor Huang Junfei, Associate Professor, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics

Professor Huang Junfei, Associate Professor, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics


Professor Lee Man-chun, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics

Professor Lee Man-chun, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics


Professor Wang Ying, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

Professor Wang Ying, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry


Professor Zhang Xiang, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics

Professor Zhang Xiang, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics


Professor Zhuang Xiaohong, School of Life Sciences

Professor Zhuang Xiaohong, School of Life Sciences


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