Home People Distinguished Professor-at-Large

YANG Chen Ning

(852) 39436146

(852) 26035616


Room 352A, 3/F, Science Centre North Block

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- Important Events of C N Yang
- 楊振寧大事年表


  • PhD, University of Chicago, USA, 1948
  • MPhil, Tsing Hua Univerity, China, 1944
  • BSc, Southwest Associated University, China, 1942


  • 2004-now, Director, Institute of Theoretical Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 1998-now, Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • 1993-1998, Director, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 1986-now, Distinguished Prof-At-Large, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 1966-1999, Director, Institute of Theoretical Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
  • 1966-1999, Albert Einstein Professor of Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
  • 1949-1966, Member and Professor, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, USA
  • 1948-1949, Instructor, University of Chicago

Research Interests:

  • Particle physics
  • Statistical mechanics
  • Conceptual history of theoretical physics

Honours and Awards:

  • 2001 King Faisal International Prize
  • 1999 Lars Onsager Prize
  • 1996 N. Bogoliubov Prize
  • 1994 Bower Award
  • 1993 Benjamin Franklin Medal
  • 1986 National Medal of Science
  • 1980 Rumford Prize
  • 1957 Nobel Prize

Selected Publications:

  • C.N. Yang, "Albert Einstein: opportunity and perception", speech at 22nd International Conference for History of Science, Beijing, 2005, International Journal of Modern Physics A 21, pp.3031-3038 (2006).
  • A.C.T. Wu and C.N. Yang, "Evolution of the concept of the vector potential in the description of fundamental interactions", International Journal of Modern Physics A 21, pp.3235-3277 (2006).
  • C.N. Yang and M.-L. Ge, "Bethe’s hypothesis", International Journal of Modern Physics B 20, pp.2223-2225 (2006). Scientific and Related Works