Student Representatives Bid Adieu to Master Wong
Prof. Wong Wing Shing, College Master, will retire on 1 August, 2022. Student representatives held a farewell party for Prof. Wong on 24 June at Connexion, the College’s staff common room. The representatives came from Student Union Representative Council, Lee ...

Visit of Mr. Chu Tat Shing
Mr. Chu Tat Shing, a renowned local sculptor, received a video interview about his art journey with TVB by the sculpture of Home which is placed outside Ho Tim Hall and Lee Quo Wei Hall on 28 May. The sculpture ...

College Fresh Graduate Receives Joseph Needham PhD Fellowship
Mr. Jack Kwok Yat Long, a fresh graduate of the College from the Department of Physics, received 2022 Joseph Needham PhD Fellowship Tenable at the University of Cambridge. As the second awardee of the fellowship, Jack will study for a ...

College Student Wins First Runners-up in Inter-universities Athletics Competition
Organized by The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited, The 60th USFHK Annual Athletic Meet was held at Joint Sports Centre from 4 to 5 June, 2022. College student Ms. Ivy Lam, a year 4 student in Nursing, ...

The College has appointed Prof. Fok Tai Fai, Emeritus Professor and Clinical Professor (Honorary), Department of Paediatrics, as Honorary Fellow with effect from 1 June, 2022. Biography of Prof. Fok Tai-fai Prof. Fok is former Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of ...

Launch of Exclusive Webpage for Members
Members of the College come from different faculties and administrative units of CUHK. They are committed to enhancing students’ learning and personal development in the College. Events in various formats realizing our core value of “Home” are proactively organized. The ...

Photo Day
Photo Day of the College was held at the Central Steps on 29 May. The event is usually arranged every March. But since the pandemic had worsened in early 2022, it needed to be postponed until May. The day was ...

Reunion at Cambridge
Five members from the College had a chance to meet up at Cambridge. During his visit to the University of Cambridge, Prof. Wong Kam Bo, Dean of Students, invited Poey, Gordon, Alvin and Chris to have meals together on 7 ...

New Milestones in Life
The first cohort of the College graduated in 2012. Until now, the number of alumni of the College has already reached over a thousand. After graduation, some alumni step into different work industries while others decided to further their studies. ...