Although we are not able to meet one another as often as before, there is still a close connection in our big family. The support and care remain unchanged among the family members. Take all the necessary precautions to protect ...

A Flicker of Candlelight
Well goes an old saying, “When one in trouble, help comes from all sides.” As soon as the coronavirus outbreak spread rapidly across the community, the College had already worked hard to procure protective equipment. At that time, the acute ...

Reshaping Life Pattern
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to evolve, maybe we have experienced an unprecedented change of life. For example, we need to adapt to a new work and study mode, minimize our social life, always wear a mask and wash our ...

The Tough Time Will Not Last Forever
Lily, the College’s hostel worklady, starts her work at 8:00 a.m. every day. Her job duty is diverse. One of the most important duties is finding out what has happened at the hostels last night and immediately inform the College ...

A Facilitator of Relationship
“Being admitted in 2012, I am the third cohort of S.H. Ho College graduates. I spent four and a half years in the College. Those years are very happy and fulfilling,” said Mr. Ferdinand Tsang Fuk Cheung, the current Chairperson ...

Revisiting the College
Prof. Samuel Sun, the College’s Founding Master and Honorary Fellow, retired from the mastership on August 1, 2018. In his first year of retirement, he spent most of his days in reading, writing and advising former students-now professors on management, ...