Footprints on the Forking Road
The first 7-11 convenience store in Macau appeared in 2005. Macau gaming revenues have been soaring ever since the opening of the gambling franchise in 2002. Gambling has changed the lifestyle of Macanese and given birth to the mushrooming of ...

An Icy Challenge for a Good Cause
A few staff members and students at S.H. Ho College made a gritty determination over the scorching summer. They dumped a bucket of ice water over their heads on the lawn of the College’s rooftop, and made a donation in ...

To Cambodia with Love
Chow Yin Ting, Year 3, Medicine I am eager to be a part of the service team because there are not many service trips as medically oriented as this one. This also explains why I decided to join the social ...

Connecting the Dots of Various Life Stories
S.H. Ho College has joined the Sentimental Grandparent Scheme in the second consecutive year. Each resident at SAGE Madam Ho Sin Hang Home for the Aged was assigned to a group of two students who paid regular visits for four ...

Hooked on Polynesian Culture
Hawaii, known as the ‘Paradise of the Pacific’, brings up images of warm breezes, hula, magnificent volcanoes, soft sand beaches edged by translucent water. With keen interest in exploring the authentic Polynesian culture in Hawaii, 16 S.H. Ho College members ...

The Reason of Perseverance──In Retrospect of Joining Taiwan Changhua Fitzroy Marathon
Cathy Ngo, Year 4, Nursing Running has once been my most hated sports activity. I could not imagine I would love running in my lifetime, which is incredible and ...

Tennis Players’ Ceaseless Endeavour towards Excellence
Cheng Ho Chi, Year 3, Journalism and Communication Twelve tennis enthusiasts of S.H. Ho College, led by Prof. Victor Lau Kwok-chi and Mr. Wu Tat-cheung, participated in a 3-day intensive tennis training camp in Shenzhen in May. The camp took ...

Dear S.H. Ho College
Dai Yuting, Exchange Student from Yuanpei College, Peking University (Chinese Only) 現在回想起來,因為是來中大交換,住在善衡,我才能從容地感受香港這座城市的繁榮穩定與富足美麗。如果是前來工作打拼,可能感受更深的便是「搵食啫」之類對生活不 ...

Visitations from Near and Far
Over the summer, S.H. Ho College received more than 140 visitors from near and far who were keen on learning CUHK’s unique collegiate system and how the College became a home to students adopting a fully residential and communal dining ...