Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1996
Another Proud Da y fo rCU Debater s The 1996 I n t e r va r s i ty Deba t i ng Contest On 23rd March 1996, the CU debating team followed in the footsteps of the seniors before them and defeated their counterparts from the Universit y of Hong Kon g in the 1996 Intervarsity Debating Contest. The CU team has remained undefeated since 1993. The prestigious debating contest has a history of 25 years. This year it was hosted by HKU in Lok Yew Hall and conducted in Cantonese. As has been the tradition, the topic of debate was disclosed only 60 minutes before the competition. Speaking for the motion 'Beijing should use force t o r eun i f y Taiwan', CUHK debaters impressed the three adjudicators with their quick wit and eloquence and w o n the c omp e t i t i on b y 1291:1272. Shirley Lau Sze- mun, a final year BBA student, was elected Best Speaker. O n the CUHK team were also Tang Fei, Betty Kan Kar-ming, and Hui Lung-kit. The I n t e r - Postsecondary Debate 1996 The final round of the a n n u a l I n t e r - Pos t - seconda r y Deba t e t oo k place o n 7th April in Victoria Park. Now in its 13th year, the debate i sorganized b y Radio Television Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Fede r a t i on o f Students. This year the teams from CUHK and HKU outperformed seven other participating teams to enter the final Arguing for the motion 'It is totally unacceptable to boycott the provisional legislature', the CUHK debaters defeated their opponents by four votes to one. Concluding speaker Tang Fei was also selected as the best speaker. The debate was conducted in Cantonese. The team's latest victory equalizes a record of four victories held by HKU. The CUHK team is also the only perpetual holder of the Champion Cup so far, having wo n the competition for three consecutive years from 1989 to 1991. 20
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