Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 1 Sep 1969
Prof. C.L. Allen also served more than thirty U.S. corporations and publications as consultant in research and management, which include Chicago Sun Times, Wisconsin Daily Newspaper League, American Press Institute . He was President of American Society of Journalism School Administrators and member of the Research Council of American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism for 12 years. Prof. C.L. Allen has written many books and numerous articles. His major publications in recent years include: Digest of the Postal Laws and Regulations and Public Notice. Prof. Eric Axilrod, Professor of Economics and Director of Economic Research Centre Prof. E. Axilrod graduated from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas in 1941. During the Second World War he served in the Royal A ir Force as a volunteer airgunner, and later the U.S. Strategic Bombin g Survey under the U.S. War Department. He took his M.A. in 1947 and later Ph.D. in 1952 at Harvard University. He was appointed an overseas research fellow for a Ph.D. at Trinity College, Cambridge. He also worked as a research assistant at the University of Manchester while in United Kingdom. In the early 1950's, Prof. E. Axilrod was an economist with the United Nations Secretariat, engaging in research and planning for the developing countries and liaison with the Economic and Research Council and the U.S. delegation. Prof. E. Axilrod also served as a private consultant for Planning Research Corporation of Los Angeles, California, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and industrial organization s such as U.S. Steel, Westinghouse and U.S. Iron and Steel Institute. Before he was appointed to the chair of Economics of this University in July this year, Prof. E. Axilrod had been Professor of Economics at the University of California and the University of Wisconsin and Chairman of the Department of Economics at Washington and Jefferson College. Prof. Bruce Glassburner, Visiting Professor of Economics and Associate Director of the University of California Study Centre Prof. Bruce Glassburner, born in 1920 in Nebraska, U.S.A., was educated at Iowa State University and received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Economics from the University in 1943 and 1949. Four years later he obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the University o f California. Before coming to Hong Kong to assume duty as Visiting Professor of Economics and Associate Director of the University of California Study Centre of this University September this year, he taught at Iowa State University, the University of California, Barkeley and since 1966 he has been Professor of Economics at the University of California, Davis. From 1953 to 1955, he was associated with Federa l Reserve Bank of San Francisco as an Economist. Prof. B. Glassburner is widely known as an authority on the economic development of Southeast Asia. He served as Visiting Professor at the University of Indonesia from 1957 to 1960, besides being appointed Chairman o f Field Staff, University of California - University of Indonesia Economics Project J 958-1960. He was Senior Research Advisor of Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Karachi and Chairman of Standford University Pakistan Project 1964-1966. For the past two years, he served as Research Grantee of Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group. Prof. B. Glassburner has written twenty-one articles published in professional journals, a variety of papers for professional societies and several book reviews. His major publications include: "Alfred Marshall on Economi c History and Historical Development", "Economic Policy-Making in Indonesia 1950-57", and "The Economy of Indonesia: Selected Readings". Prof. Mikio Hiramatsu, Visiting Professor of Japanology Prof. M. Hiramatsu graduated from Keio University with a B.A . degree in 1926 and obtained his M. A . two years later from the same university. Prof. M. Hiramatsu has been associated with Keio University since 1941 and was appointed various positions in the University, namely, Director of Student Personnel Department, Faculty of Engineering, and Chief of the University Liaison Office. He has been Professor of English and Chairman of the Department of Foreign Languages of the University since 1959. Prof. M. Hiramatsu also served as Visiting Professor at the University of Hawaii and Australian National University, Canberra. I n 1966, he was sent by Keio University to the Australian National University, Canberra under an Exchange Scholars' Scheme between Japan and Australia sponsored by the Leverhulme Funds in London. Prof. M. Hiramatsu is very active in the literary circle in Japan. At present he is member of Japan Writers' Association, Director of Japan P.E.N., Vice-President of Japan Society of Translators, — 3 —
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