Bulletin Winter 1976

1. The Vice-Chancellor speaking at the Opening 2. Jade Exhibition 3. Visit to the Fine Arts Department 4. Exhibition of art book collection Speech of Dr. John B. Skull Representative of World Council of INSEA ( an abstract) May I first give you the compliments of Dr. Al Hurwitz, President of the World Council of INSEA who is at present in Russia and regrets that he cannot be here with you today. He has asked me to convey to you his good wishes for a successful Conference. We are all here today because we believe that the Arts are of signal significance in the educative process. We believe that the Arts are pivotal and central in the development of human beings — we believe that as people change and as our environment changes, so art changes. During the next few days we shall share our thoughts and feelings concerning oriental art in a changing world. My own particular faith and that of my Planning Committee I represent, is that the arts can and do contribute to a very large extent to human growth. Art differs in different parts of the world. In some countries, mainly in the west, art is an expression of the personal individual consciousness and experience ; in other countries, mainly in the East, anonymity is the keynote. In Australia we combine European cultures which glorify personal and individual expression, and our indigenous Aboriginal culture which emphasises the collective tribal expression of experience. Whatever the culture, however, works of Art have inherent, within them, I think, several common characteristics: