Newsletter No. 411
8 No. 411, 19.1.2013 《虎嘯》 2012,彩色鉛筆繪畫,13 x 17.85 厘米 任超博士,中大建築學院助理教授,並任研究生宿舍導師, 業餘教授研究生宿舍宿生繪畫。任博士從小雅好繪畫,近兩 年被彩色鉛筆的質感和色彩感染力所吸引,而開始主攻這種 繪畫媒介。任博士的鉛筆繪畫作品《動物─黑白系列》,希 望利用白色鉛筆在黑色紙張上的渲染來展現野生動物的美, 以及捕捉他們的本性。 Tiger Growl 2012, Colour pencil drawing, 13 x 17.85 cm Dr. Ren Chao, assistant professor at the School of Architecture, CUHK, is a resident tutor at the Postgraduate Hall (PGH) and gives PGH residents a drawing class in her leisure. She has loved drawing since she was very young. Attracted by texture and colours, Dr. Ren has focused on colour pencil drawing since 2010. She hopes to express the beauty of wildlife and to capture animals in nature in her series of drawings titled ‘ Wildlife—Black & White ’. 五十周年校慶啟動禮 CUHK 50th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony 大學將於1月27日舉行「五十周年校慶啟動典禮.健步行暨嘉年華」,為金禧校慶揭開序 幕。嘉年華會設有綜藝表演、攤位遊戲、兒童樂園、運動天地及美食角落等,歡迎中大師 生、校友,以及其家屬參加。活動詳情如下: The ‘CUHK 50th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony • Walkathon and Carnival’ will be held on 27 January. Highlights of the carnival include stage performances, prize-winning game booths, kids’ world, trainer machines and a gourmet corner. All CUHK students, staff, alumni and their friends and families are welcome. Details are as follows: 日期 Date 27.1(星期日 Sunday) 時間 Time 10:30 am(五十周年校慶啟動禮及健步行起步 CUHK 50th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony and Walkathon) 12:00 nn – 4:00 pm(嘉年華會 Carnival) 地點 Venue 中大嶺南體育館 Lingnan Stadium, CUHK 查詢 Enquiries 3943 7309 訃告 Obituaries 本校兩位職員於近日離世,大學深表哀悼。 The University mourns the passing of two colleagues. • 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院健康行為研究中心副研究員徐喜兒博士於2013年1月 2日逝世。徐博士於1997年7月19日加入中大服務。 • 課程與教學學系高級講師李玉珍博士於2013年1月10日逝世。李博士於1996年1月2日 加入中大服務。 • Dr. Tsui Hi-yi passed away on 2 January 2013. Dr. Tsui joined the University on 19 July 1997 and had served as research associate in the Centre for Health Behaviours Research, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care. • Dr. Lee Yuk-chun passed away on 10 January 2013. Dr. Lee joined the University on 2 January 1996 and had served as senior lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. 新任大學圖書館館長 New University Librarian 李露絲女士獲委任為大學圖書館館長,於2013年1月7日起履新。 Ms. Louise Jones has been appointed as the University Librarian, University Library System, with effect from 7 January 2013. 穴位手機程式 New Mobile Apps on Acupressure and Acupuncture 由中醫學院梁榮能教授、郭元琦教授和陳俊偉教授開發的「強身健體穴位按摩法」( 左 ) 及「針灸學—經絡與穴位」( 右 )手機程式(Android和iPhone版)已推出供免費下載。 兩程式由中大知識轉移基金支持,前者介紹五十種常見健康問題及幫助舒緩有關症狀的 穴位資訊,後者則方便學習中醫及針灸者可隨時隨地複習資料。如對此兩個程式有任何意 見,歡迎電郵 至聯 絡李小姐。 Two new mobile apps— Acupressure and Acupuncture (Android and iPhone versions), developed by Prof. Leung Wing-nang, Prof. Guo Yuanqi and Prof. Chan Chun-wai of the School of Chinese Medicine, have been launched for free download. Supported by the CUHK Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, the Acupressure App ( left ) introduces related acupoints and the massage method for relieving 50 mild health problems while the Acupuncture App ( right ) provides a platform for the students of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture to revise what they have learnt whenever and wherever they like. For enquiries and comments, please contact Miss Lee at
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