Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2001

Kong psychologically to take charge of their own affairs and to shape policies. The local administrators had been trained to implement policies that were made by British officials either in Hong Kon g or in London. Last October 1999, I found the mood in Hong Kon g downbeat. People were frustrated, feeling trapped and hemmed in under SAR (Special Administrative Region) rule, unable to get out of their economic difficulties as easily as during British times. A year later the economy has improved, but the mood of Hong Kong is still dark. It has been a difficult transition from the weakening grip o f British rule in the 1990s to the tentative hand of a Chief Executive, not appointed by the British government in London, but elected by 400 prominent professional, business and social leaders of Hong Kong. How is it possible that Hong Kong people were happier with their lot for decades under the rule o f colonial governors than now, whe n they have mor e say on how they are governed. They accepted their subject status in a British colony. Now they seem less contented with their lot, when Hong Kong has a Chinese Chie f Executive, not a Britis h governor. Ho ng K o n g people have up t i l l 2007 when their Constitution w i l l be reviewed. I f they can persuade the leaders in Beijing that they are w i l l i n g to work within the framework of the PRC and SAR constitutions, there could be advances that w i l l enable the territor y to have more representative and participatory government. Otherwise the Chief Executive and the people o f Hong Kong w i l l find themselves locked in a frustrating process of attrition with the Centre. The future of Hong Kong is what the people and leaders make of it. Three and a half years after its return to the Mainland, the heavy hand of China is not in evidence in Hong Kong. However the heavy heart of its people is reflected i n many surveys. Hong Kon g has developed a penchant for protests and demonstrations as i f to prove that it is still as democratic as it was i n the last days of British rule. Most took place last summer. They were not over Hong Kong's relations with The 56th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 49