Newsletter No. 347
No. 347, 19.11.2009 護理系學生獲大專越野賽個人冠軍 Nursing Student Wins Individual Championship of Annual Cross Country Meet 遙感專家獲傑出貢獻獎 Remote Sensing Expert Awarded for Outstanding Contribution 太 空與地球信息科學研 究所(太空所)所長林 琿教授獲國際學術組織亞洲 遙感協會頒發傑出貢獻獎,是 第一位獲此殊榮的香港科學 家。該會由二十八個亞洲國家 的遙感學術機構組成,日前在 北京舉行第三十屆會議。 林教授對獲獎感到十分欣喜: 「香港科學家對遙感科技的貢 獻獲亞洲遙感界認同和讚賞, 實在令人鼓舞;同時亦有助提 升香港社會各界及學術界對遙感科學的認識。」 林教授1993年加入中大,是國家遙感中心專家組成員,亦 是中國資源衞星中心專家委員會及中國繞月探測工程科學 應用專家委員會等國家航天科技諮詢機構的成員。在國家 科技部、香港特區政府創新科技署與研究資助局,以及中 國科學院的支持下,林教授在香港與珠江三角洲地區啟動 了一系列環境遙感試驗,包括香港首次雷達航空遙感地質 調查和首次彩紅外航空遙感與高分辨率棲息地地圖的編 製,以及香港海域與珠江口水質監測等。2004年,林琿教 授促成香港中文大學衞星遙感地面接收站的建設,大大有 助提升香港為國家級遙感科研基地。 在林教授的領導下,太空與地球信息科學研究所已和美國 太空總署、美國地質調查局、美國大學太空研究協會、法 國海軍科學院等重要國際機構建立合作夥伴關係。太空所 曾利用衞星遙感技術監測地表沉降、海面油污和紅潮、山 火損毀情況和四川地震災情等。 P rof. Lin Hui, director of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS), was awarded an Outstanding Contribution Prize by the Asian Association on Remote Sensing in its 30th annual conference recently held in Beijing. He is the first Hong Kong scholar to have been honoured with this award by the international organization comprising members from 28 Asian countries. ‘The award recognizes the contributions of Hong Kong remote sensing scientists and helps to promote understanding of this scientific field in academia and Hong Kong,’ said Professor Lin. Professor Lin joined CUHK in 1993. He is a member of the expert group of the National Remote Sensing Center of China, the Expert Committee of National Resource Satellite Application Center of China, and the China Lunar Exploration Science Committee. Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Innovation and Technology Commission and Research Grants Council of the HKSAR, Professor Lin launched a series of environmental projects. Among them were the first airborne radar remote sensing programme for geological studies in Hong Kong, the first Hong Kong airborne colour infrared remote sensing programme for vegetation inventory and habitat mapping, and water quality monitoring of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta area. In 2004, Professor Lin initiated the establishment of the Satellite Remote Sensing Ground Receiving Station at CUHK, which laid a solid foundation for developing national remote sensing infrastructure in Hong Kong. Professor Lin has led the ISEIS to establish close partnerships with leading international institutions, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the US Geological Survey, the Universities Space Research Association, and the French Naval Academy. ISEIS has used remote sensing technology to monitor ground deformation, oil spills, red tides and wildfires, and the damage of the Sichuan earthquake, etc. 中大校友獲 全國運動會銅牌 CUHK Alumnus Wins Bronze in National Games 在 最近舉行的中國第十一屆全國運 動會三項鐵人項目比賽中,本校 體育運動科學系校友李致和代 表香港參賽,獲得銅牌佳 績。李致和為此感謝該 系同仁對他的支持和 鼓勵。他的下一個 目標是2010年的廣 州亞運會,希望能 再次為香港爭光。 M r. Lee Chi-wo, an alumnus of CUHK, won bronze in the men’s triathlon at the 11th National Games. Mr. Lee was a student of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education. He thanked the staff and faculty members of the department for their unflagging support and encouragement. His next goal is to bring home another medal for Hong Kong in the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou. 第 二十三屆大專越野 賽於11月1日假中大 校園舉行,共有一百七十三 名來自十一所大專院校的運 動員參賽。本校護理系三年 級學生姚潔貞衛冕女子組個 人冠軍。 T he 23rd Annual Cross Country Meet of the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong was held on 1 November on campus. A total of 173 athletes from 11 institutes participated in the event. Miss Yiu Kit-ching, a Year 3 nursing student, won the women’s individual championship for the second year. 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: ❏ 三十六項研究項目獲撥款 Thirty-six Research Projects Receive Grants
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