Newsletter No. 347
No. 347, 19.11.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 邵 逸夫天文學獎得主徐遐生教授於10月8日在逸夫 書院發表演講,題為「恆星與行星系統的構成」, 約四百人出席。 徐遐生教授為美國十個校區組成的加州大學總校教授,獲 頒2009邵逸夫獎,以表彰他對理論天文學的傑出貢獻。 徐教授的研究以恆星形成學說見稱。其理論也關係到太陽 系的起源。他率先提出原恆星盤反射來自恆星內區的光, 並在幾百萬年內被蒸發,最近又考究構成行星的最小單 元,提出它們的遺留物會不斷凝聚,並在新生太陽的周圍 融化,又重新散布形成太陽系的原始隕石。最近,採集彗 星樣本的美國太空總署「星塵任務」帶回Wild 2彗星碎片, 證實了他的推測。 邵逸夫天文學獎得主講座 Shaw Laureate in Astronomy on Stars and Planets • P rofessor Frank H. Shu, the Shaw Laureate in Astronomy 2009, spoke on ‘The Formation of Stars and Planetary Systems’ on 8 October 2009 at Shaw College Lecture Theatre. The Lecture attracted an audience of about 400. Professor Shu, University Professor of the 10-campus University of California system, was awarded the Shaw Prize in Astronomy 2009 in recognition of his outstanding contributions in theoretical astronomy. Professor Shu made his most important contributions in the area of star formation. His theory is also relevant to the origin of the solar system. He was the first to propose that protostellar disks reflect light from stars at their centre and are evaporated by it over a few million years. Most recently, he showed that some relics of smallest planet building blocks are repeatedly condensed and melted down in the proximity of the infant Sun, redistributed and moulded into primitive meteorites throughout the solar system. This theoretical prediction was recently vindicated by the fragments of Comet Wild 2 which were collected and brought back to Earth by NASA’s comet sample-return mission Stardust. 借鑑海外經驗 促進醫護發展 Learning from Overseas Health Care Experience • 日本前外務大臣政務官談無核武器世界 Japan’s Former Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs on Nuclear Weapons-Free World • Process , the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol , and the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Declaration . The United Nations Security Council Summit on nuclear disarmament unanimously passed Resolution 1887 in September. At the meeting, President Hu Jintao of the People’s Republic of China made a statement on abandoning the nuclear deterrence policy based on first use of nuclear weapons and establishing a legally-binding international instrument towards this end. Keeping in mind these resolutions, statements and new movement, Mr. Hamada shared his proposal on the ‘New Hiroshima-Nagasaki Process’ and suggested options for immediate action. Mr. Hamada was appointed Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2006. A year later, he became director of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Policy Research Council, New Komeito. Currently, he is the vice- director general of the Policy Research Council, New Komeito. 那 打素護理學院於9月23日舉辦公開講座,主題是 「新護理角色能否為醫護服務帶來轉變:漫談英 國的經驗」,講者為英國金斯頓大學及倫敦大學聖喬治 醫學院健康及社會護理科學院院長Prof. Fiona M. Ross ( 後排左六 )。講座吸引了逾三百八十人參加,包括立法會 議員(衞生服務)李國麟博士、醫 院管理局總護理行政經理馮玉娟 女士、衞生署公共健康護理部護士 總監陳彩金女士等。 學院院長李子芬教授( 前排左七 ) 在歡迎辭中表示:「為了挽留人才 並推動護士專業發展,醫院管理局 早前推出一套新護理職系架構及 護士專業發展模式。在推行這套新 架構方面,相信我們可透過分享英 國的經驗得到一些啟發。」 A public lecture entitled ‘Can New Roles in Nursing Make a Difference in Healthcare: Learning from the UK Experience’ was organized by the Nethersole School of Nursing on 23 September. The speaker was Prof. Fiona M. Ross (back row, 6th left), dean of the 日 本外務省前外務大臣政務官及參議院議員濱田昌良先生於10月22日在中大演 講,題為「全球人類共建和平無核武器世界」。 濱田先生分析全球核不擴散與核裁軍的新動向,包括《渥太華公約》、《奧斯陸 公約》、《廣島─長崎草案》,以及《廣島─長崎聲明》等。本年9月,聯合國 安全理事會高峰會通過《核不擴散與核裁軍決議第1887號》,而國家主席 胡錦濤亦曾在安理會上表示放棄以首先使用核武器為基礎的核威攝政 策,防止核武器擴散。濱田先生根據這些決議、聲明和新動向,提出 他的《新廣島─長崎公約》,並建議即時可行的方案。 濱田先生在2006年擔任外務省外務大臣政務官。隨後於 2007年成為公明黨政務調查會外交部會長,現為該黨政務 調查會副會長。 O n 22 October, Mr. Masayoshi Hamada, Japan’s former Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and a member of the House of Councillors, gave a public lecture on ‘Peace-building Towards a Nuclear Weapons- Free World—Working with the Citizens of the World’ on CUHK campus. Mr. Hamada presented the new movements for nuclear disarmament, including the Ottawa Process , the Oslo Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St. George’s, University of London. The lecture attracted over 380 participants, including Dr. Joseph Lee, Legislative Councillor (Health Services), Ms. Sylvia Fung, Chief Manager (Nursing), Hospital Authority, and Ms. Sannie Chan, Principal Nursing Officer, Department of Health. In her welcoming speech, Prof. Diana Lee (front row, 7th left), director of the school, remarked, ‘To ensure a strong nursing workforce and to facilitate the professional development of nurses, the Hospital Authority has recently introduced a new career structure and progression model for nurses. I believe the sharing of UK experience will give us some insights on the implementation of this new structure.’
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