Newsletter No. 359
No. 359, 4.6.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 校園保健大使畢業典禮 Campus Health Ambassadors Graduate 健 康促進及防護委員會及保健處合辦的2009 – 10校園保健大使計劃於5月19日舉行畢業典禮,頒發 證書給四十七位保健大使。四位學生獲選為傑出保健大使,聯合書院則獲傑出活動獎。多位保健 大使在典禮中分享過去一年籌辦書院、校內及社區健康推廣活動的經驗。 副校長鄭振耀教授致辭時表示,保健大使積極參與全校及社區層面的健康推廣活動,例如「聯校大專生 精神健康推廣大使訓練計劃」、「大型心肺復甦法訓練」、「樂步行」、「全城清潔在沙田」等,推廣健康 之餘也獲得籌辦大型活動的經驗。2009 – 10學年的保健大使已於5月底前往西安交通大學交流,增加對 國內醫療、健康推廣及當地文化的了解。 T he 2009–10 Campus Health Ambassadors Programme organized by the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection and University Health Service held its graduation ceremony on 19 May. A total of 47 ambassadors were awarded certificates and four were selected Prominent Health Ambassadors. United College won ‘Best Project’. The participants shared their experiences in organizing health promotion activities at the Colleges, on campus and in the community. Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor said, in addition to College activities, the ambassadors participated actively in campus and community health promotion, such as the Joint Institutions Student Mental Health Promotion, Mass CPR Training, Walking Campaign and the Clean Hong Kong Campaign in Sha Tin District. They promoted health and in return, their experience of organizing large scale event was enhanced. The 2009–10 ambassadors also left for Xi’an Jiaotong University in late May to exchange and learn more about the medical services, health promotion and culture of mainland China. • 聯合書院隊伍代表獲頒傑出活動獎 United College representatives receiving the Best Project award 中 大於2005年將機械臂輔助外科手術系統引入香 港,應用於泌尿外科手術,並利用該系統為病人進 行切除前列腺腫瘤手術,迄今,已成功用機械臂為一百名 病人切除前列腺腫瘤,泌尿外科手術從此 踏上新里程。 中大於5月25日舉行聯歡會,主禮嘉賓包括 香港特區政府行政會議非官守議員梁智鴻 醫生、香港賽馬會慈善事務經理鄧家鳳女 士、中大醫學院院長霍泰輝教授、威爾斯親 王醫院副醫院行政總監李錦滔教授,以及中 大賽馬會微創醫療技術培訓中心執行委員 會主席尹懷信教授,更邀得約八十位病人 及其家屬出席,講述他們接受治療的經驗。 中大在2008年進行了一項臨床研究,比較 機械臂輔助前列腺切除術與傳統開放式切 除術的治療結果,發現機械臂輔助組別的 輸血比率明顯較低(5%對比65%),住院 期較短(八天對比十七天),置尿管時間較 短(十二天對比十八天),有助病人盡早康 復及減低術後復發機會。 機械臂輔助切除前列腺腫瘤 成功案例達百宗 First 100 Successful Cases of Robotic Prostatectomy • (左起)中大賽馬會微創醫療技術培訓中心主任吳國偉教授、尹懷信教授、霍泰輝教 授、梁智鴻醫生、鄧家鳳女士、李錦滔教授、中大外科學系系主任賴寶山教授及中大外 科學系泌尿外科組主任葉錦洪教授主持切餅儀式。 (from left) Prof. Ng Kwok-wai Enders, director, CUHK Jockey Club Minimally Invasive Surgical Skills Centre; Prof. Charles Andrew van Hasselt; Prof. Fok Tai-fai; Dr. Leong Che-hung; Ms. Florine Tang; Prof. Li Kam-tao Philip; Prof. Lai Bo-san Paul, chairman, Department of Surgery, CUHK and Prof. Yip Kam-hung Sidney, head of Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, CUHK, host the cake-cutting ceremony to candidates. And now, the University is celebrating its milestone of 100 cases of robotic prostatectomy. CUHK held its celebration on 25 May. Officiating at the event were Dr. the Honourable Leong Che-hung, non-official member of the Executive Council, HKSAR Government; Ms. Florine Tang, Manager, Charities, The Hong Kong Jockey Club; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean, Faculty of Medicine; Prof. Li Kam-tao Philip, deputy hospital chief executive, Prince of Wales Hospital and Prof. Charles Andrew van Hasselt, chairman of Executive Board, CUHK Jockey Club Minimally Invasive Surgical Skills Centre. In addition, 80 patients and their relatives were invited to join the celebration and share their joy. A clinical study was conducted in 2008 to compare the outcomes of robotic prostatectomy and traditional open surgery. In the robotic group, the blood transfusion rate was significantly lower (5 vs 65%), the mean hospital stay was shorter (8 vs 17 days), as was the mean catheter time (12 vs 18 days). All of these facilitate early mobilization and reduce postoperative morbidity. A robotic surgery programme in urology was first introduced to Hong Kong by CUHK in 2005. Since then, robotic prostatectomy has been routinely offered 聯招改選結果公布 Changes of Programme JUPAS Choices Result Announced 大學聯合招生辦法已於5月25日截止改選。 The deadline for changes in programme choices of JUPAS closed on 25 May. 最多學生列為Band A(首三)選擇的五個中大課程: The five CUHK programmes selected by the largest number of students as their Band A (top three) choices are: 課程 Programmes 學額 Intake Band A 申請人數 No. of Band A applicants 1)酒店及旅遊管理學 Hotel and Tourism Management 66 916 2)護理學 Nursing 197 734 3)社會工作學 Social Work 48 645 4)人類學 Anthropology 20 613 5)法學 Laws 65 507 以Band A選擇,競爭最激烈的五個中大課程: The five CUHK prorgrammes with the highest competition rate in Band A choices are: 課程 Programmes 學額 Intake Band A 申請人數 No. of Band A applicants 競爭比率 Competition rate 1)人類學 Anthropology 20 613 30.7 :1 2)文化研究 Cultural Studies 17 262 15.4 :1 3)語言學 Linguistics 20 293 14.7 :1 4)酒店及旅遊管理學 Hotel and Tourism Management 66 916 13.9 :1 5)社會工作學 Social Work 48 645 13.4 :1 此外,今年經「校長推薦計劃」申請中大課程的學生有571名,共作出 797個課程選擇。 A total of 571 candidates applied for CUHK through the sub-system for School Principal’s Nominations this year, making 797 programme choices. •
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