Newsletter No. 347
No. 347, 19.11.2009 Prof. Kwong Kai-sun Sunny, associate professor in the Department of Economics, has been reappointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Telecommunications (Competition Provisions) Appeal Board for two years from 31 August 2009. Prof. Mike McConville, dean of law, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Standing Committee on Legal Education and Training with effect from 15 November 2009. Prof. Chiu Fung-kum Helen, Professor of Psychiatry, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board for three years from 1 October 2009. Mr. Richard Morris, director of Postgraduate Certificate in Laws Programme, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Standing Committee on Legal Education and Training with effect from 15 November 2009. Prof. Chu Lee-man, associate professor in the Department of Biology, has been appointed by the Secretary for the Environment as a member of the Country and Marine Parks Board for two years from 1 September 2009. Prof. Hau Kit-tai, Professor of Educational Psychology, has been appointed by the Secretary for Education as a member of the Curriculum Development Council for two years from 1 September 2009. Prof. Diana T.F. Lee, Professor of Nursing and director of the Nethersole School of Nursing, has been appointed by the Secretary for Food and Health as a member of • • • • • • • the Grant Review Board, the scientific advisor to the Research Council of the Food and Health Bureau for two years from 1 September 2009. She has also been appointed by the Board of Studies of the Institute of Advanced Nursing Studies of the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong as an honorary adviser from 2 April 2009. Prof. Lam Ching-man, associate professor in the Department of Social Work, has been appointed by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare as a member of the Social Work Training Fund Committee for two years from 1 October 2009. Prof. Sung Jao-yiu Joseph, head of Shaw College, has been appointed by the Secretary for Food and Health as a member of the Research Council for two years from 1 October 2009. Prof. Ho Pui-yin, associate professor in the Department of History, has been reappointed as a member of the Hong Kong War Memorial Pensions Advisory Committee for two years from 1 September 2009. Prof. Wong Wing-shing, Professor of Information Engineering, has been appointed by the Council of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers as the chairman of the Accreditation Committee for Computer Science Programmes, an ex-officio member of the Accreditation Board and an appointed member of the Fellowship Committee for the Session 2009–2010. Mr. Kwok Wai-leung Anthony, general manager of the CUHK Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control, has been invited to serve as an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for • • • • • two years from 1 September 2009. Prof. Lai Po-san Paul, chairman of the Department of Surgery, has been reappointed by the Medical Council of Hong Kong to the panel of assessors for the purpose of conducting disciplinary inquiry for one year from 5 September 2009. Prof. Wing Yun-kwok, professor in the Department of Psychiatry, has been reappointed by the Medical Council of Hong Kong to the panel of assessors for the purpose of conducting disciplinary inquiry for one year from 5 September 2009. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor and President, has been reappointed as a member of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee for two years from 1 October 2009. Prof. Thomas C.W. Mak, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, has been elected as a fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Science in October 2009. Prof. Wong Nai-ching Henry, Professor of Chemistry, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and head of New Asia College, has been elected as a fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Science in October 2009. Award Prof. Lee Chun-man Thomas, professor in the Department of Statistics, has been elected as a fellow of the American Statistical Association this year. Information in this section is provided by the Communications and Public Relations Office. • • • • • • O 文物館公開講座 Art Museum Public Lecture 為配合現正在舉行之「北山汲古:利氏北山堂捐贈中國文物」展覽,文物館舉辦「北山汲古 公開講座」第二講,講座分為兩部分:前半部介紹中國玉文化之特色,後半部移步往展廳, 作有關展品之導賞。詳情如下: The Art Museum will hold a public lecture on jade as part of the exhibition ‘Bei Shan Tang Legacy—Gifts of Chinese Art’. The event consists of two parts: the first is a lecture on Chinese jade culture and the second is a docent-led tour of the exhibits. Details are as follows: 講題 Title 堅柔溫潤:北山堂藏玉 The Bei Shan Tang Collection of Jade Artifacts 講者 Speaker 蘇芳淑教授(中國文化研究所所長、藝術講座教授) Prof. Jenny F. So (director, Institute of Chinese Studies, Professor of Fine Arts) 日期 Date 21/11/2009 (星期六 Saturday ) 時間 Time 2:30 – 4:00 pm (包括展品導賞 including docent-led tour ) 地點 Venue 中國文化研究所文物館東翼二樓會議室 Conference Room, 2/F Art Museum East Wing, Institute of Chinese Studies 2009中大校友日 2009 CUHK Alumni Homecoming 每年一度的大學盛事中大校友日將於2009年12月13日(星期日)在校園舉行,節目包括法 律學院模擬法庭、工程學院科研示範、回到課堂精選講座、開蓬巴士樂悠「遊」、校園樹木 講座及導賞、百萬大道嘉年華會及遊戲攤位,以及校友義務協助組織及安排的一連串精 彩綜藝表演。 中大校友日每年都吸引數以千計校友返回大學校園,與同窗好友及師長重聚,亦見證大學 最新發展。 Featuring a campus carnival which welcomes CU graduates of all ages, the 2009 CUHK Alumni Homecoming will be held on 13 December (Sunday). Highlights will include open-top double decker bus tour, showcase of the University’s latest technological innovations and state-of-the-art teaching facilities, carnival and game booths at the Mall, campus tree walk and talk, as well as an Opening Extravaganza and a series of ‘Back-to- Classroom Distinguished Lectures’. 校友日網址 Website: 校友日Facebook群組 Facebook Group: 平安夜及新年除夕之辦公安排 Staffing Arrangements on Christmas Eve and New Year Eve 所有部門於2009年12月24日(星期四)及12月31日(星期四)上午須有職員留駐值班。當 值之乙或丙類服務條例職員可獲補假半天。 保健處、大學圖書館系統、資訊科技服務處之電算機操作組、保安組、交通組、物業管理 處等部門須有足夠人手留駐以維持基本服務。 The following staffing arrangements for Christmas Eve and New Year Eve will apply on Thursday, 24 December 2009 and Thursday, 31 December 2009. Departments/Units should arrange for skeleton staff to be on duty on these mornings to handle urgent matters and enquiries. Offices will be closed in the afternoon. Skeleton staff (Terms B or C) on duty on each morning will be given compensation leave of half a day. For essential service units such as the University Health Service, the University Library System, the Operations Team of the Information Technology Services Centre, the Security Unit, the Transport Unit, and the Estates Management Office, adequate workforce should remain on duty to provide basic services.
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