Newsletter No. 441
441 • 19.8.2014 7 公積金計劃投資回報成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 基金 Fund 6.2014 1.7.2013–30.6.2014 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 2.37% 1.68% 18.36% 18.90% 平衡 Balanced 1.94% 1.49% 12.22% 16.48% 穩定 Stable 0.93% 1.07% 9.85% 10.77% 香港股票 HK Equity 1.21% 1.48% 15.79% 13.92% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 1.27% 1.32% 14.53% 15.39% A50中國指數 ∆ A50 China Tracker ∆ 1.46% 1.93% –3.86% –0.87% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.12% 0.001% 1.27% 0.01% 美元銀行存款 * USD Bank Deposit* 0.09% –0.02% 1.18% 0.03% 澳元銀行存款 * AUD Bank Deposit* 1.60% 1.45% 5.97% 3.92% 歐元銀行存款 * EUR Bank Deposit* 0.37% 0.34% 5.49% 5.17% 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: Δ Δ 根據受託人最近的決定,現時A50中國指數基金當中的投資組合,將由並非直接持有「A股」的「安碩A50」 〔股份代號:2823〕轉到另一隻同樣追蹤「富時A50中國指數」但持有實股的「南方A50」〔股份代號:2822〕。 財務處將會通過基金經理,由2014年5月開始,逐步將投資組合由「安碩A50」轉到「南方A50」,並於2014年 12月完成。 累積回報是由2013年7月1日之後的十二個月之回報。實際投資回報數值包含由iShares安碩富時A50中國指數 ETF﹙2823﹚的市場價格及單位資產淨值的差異而產生的溢價或折讓。在2014年6月該溢價增加了0.45%,而 2013年7月至2014年6月之十二個月期間溢價的累計減幅為0.95%。 Pursuant to the recent decision of the Board of Trustees, the existing A50 China Tracker Fund will be enhanced by switching the underlying investment from synthetic Exchanged Traded Fund (ETF) 2823.HK to physical ETF 2822.HK . The switching will be gradually performed by the Bursary through investment manager starting from May 2014 and will be completed in December 2014. Cumulative returns are for the past twelve months from 1 July 2013. The return data include a premium or a discount between the Market Price and the Net Asset Value of iShares FTSE A50 China Index ETF (2823). In June, there was an increase in premium of 0.45% and for the twelve months from July 2013 to June 2014, the premium decreased by 0.95%. * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動。 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month. 選擇轉換大學強積金計劃安排 Election for Change of MPF Scheme 根據大學安排,強積金計劃成員每年可選擇轉換強積金計劃一次(即在「富達退休集成信託 計劃」與「德盛安聯強積金計劃」之間轉換),生效日期指定為4月1日或10月1日。有關兩個 強積金計劃的基金資料及投資表現,可瀏覽大學強積金網頁、富達網頁或德盛安聯網頁。 成員如欲選擇於2014年10月1日轉換計劃,須填妥轉換強積金計劃申請表格及新選擇的強積 金計劃成員登記表格,於2014年8月27日或之前送達財務處薪津及公積金組。表格可於大學 強積金網頁下載( of_mpf_scheme.html )或致電該組(電話:3943 7246)索取。 Please be reminded that MPF Scheme members may switch between the two MPF Schemes viz., Fidelity Retirement Master Trust and Allianz Global Investor MPF Plan once a year, on either 1 April or 1 October. Members may visit the University’s MPF website or the respective MPF service providers’ websites for information about the investment funds and performance of the two MPF service providers. Members who want to switch MPF Scheme on 1 October 2014 should complete the Election Form for Change of MPF Scheme and Membership Enrolment Form for the new scheme, and submit them to the Payroll and Superannuation Unit of the Bursary on or before 27 August 2014. The forms can be downloaded from the University’s MPF website ( www.cuhk. ) or obtained from the unit (Tel: 3943 7246). 商學院校友陪伴「芥菜籽小朋友」參觀中大 Business Alumni Volunteer for ‘Mustard Seeds’ Eco Tour 6月28日,中大工商管理學院校友及企業事務辦公室與香港小童群益會合辦「陪伴『芥菜 籽小朋友』參加中大校園生態行」。七十多位商學院校友、職員和來自基層家庭的小朋友 暢遊賽馬會氣候變化博物館、未圓湖等多個生態景點和環保設施。三十位來自秀茂坪天 主教小學的二年級學生首次踏足大學校園。 這次生態行是香港小童群益會「芥菜籽小朋友」計劃的活動之一,旨在鼓勵基層兒童積 極參與多元活動,從而擴闊視野。 Co-organized by the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of the CUHK Faculty of Business Administration and the Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, the ‘Mustard Seeds’ Eco Tour took place on 28 June. Seventy business alumni, underprivileged kids and faculty staff toured ecological attractions and green facilities on the CUHK campus. It was the first time 30 primary two pupils from Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School had set foot on a university campus. Guided by student-trained docents, the participants visited the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, Lake Ad Excellentiam , etc. The tour is part of the ‘Mustard Seeds’ programme of the Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, which encourages underprivileged children to participate in different activities to widen their horizons. 研宿宿生展現藝術天賦 Budding Art Talent in Postgraduate Halls 研究生宿舍及宿生會合辦「研宿藝術展」,在宿舍內展出宿生繪畫及攝影比賽的參賽作 品,並選出每組的冠、亞、季軍得獎作品,於6月22日舉行頒獎典禮。這次活動旨在讓宿生 在忙碌的研究工作中得以舒展身心,並令宿舍生活更添色彩和樂趣。 Hosted by the Postgraduate Halls General Office and the Postgraduate Halls Residents’ Associations, the Postgraduate Halls Art Exhibition concluded with a prize presentation cum closing ceremony on 22 June after a week’s exhibition. A champion, a first runner- up and a second runner-up were each selected from the drawing and photography sections. The activity was aimed at giving residents a refreshing interlude from their busy research and enriching hostel life. 繪畫組冠軍王瑩(前排右三)與季軍張中航(前排右四),攝影組冠軍劉源(前排右五)與季軍翟晨曦 (前排右六) Rachel Wang (front row, 3rd right) and Zhang Zhonghang (front row, 4th right) are the champion and the second runner-up of the drawing contest. Liu Yuan (front row, 5th right) and Zhai Chenxi (front row, 6th right ) are the champion and the second runner-up of the photo contest 宣布事項 Announcements
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