Newsletter No. 356
No. 356, 19.4.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 卞趙如蘭捐贈畢生音樂藏品 Donation of Music Collection by Professor Rulan Chao Pian • 大 學圖書館獲哈佛大學音樂系及東亞文化語文系榮 休教授卞趙如蘭教授捐贈畢生收藏的音樂書籍、 影音資料和器材、教材、筆記及樂器,並蒙偉倫基金資助 越洋運送及其錄音錄像資料數碼化工程,深表感謝。 卞趙如蘭教授為著名中國音樂學學者,精通中西,專研中 國音樂,旁及台灣、日本及韓國。她曾先後出任音樂系客 座教授和校外考試委員,以及偉倫訪問教授。 2006年,卞教授捐出了全部音樂藏品予中大,以供學者 研究之用,並希望其捐贈能作引玉之磚,誘發學者對東 亞歷史文化的重視,保 存並共享有關資料。同 年8月,首批七千多件的 影音資料、器材和樂器直 接從美國麻省劍橋市卞家 地庫,空運抵港,圖書館隨 即把千多盒開卷錄音帶數碼 化。在卞教授女兒昭波及佳 婿林邁的協助下,第二批合 共二百五十多箱書籍、教學 資料、筆記、樂器及相片於 去年11月付運,本年3月抵 中大,除蟲及編目工作隨 即展開。 卞教授的音樂藏品與中國二十世紀歷史緊扣,誠中國近 代史及中國文化之寶藏,蘊含豐富學術意義。崇基學院 牟路思怡圖書館已展出特藏之唱片、卡式錄音帶、樂器、 部分書籍及手稿。中大師生可於網上檢閱目錄,並聆聽經 數碼化之錄音。詳情瀏覽 http://rulanchaopian.lib.cuhk . 。 T he University Library System has received donations of Prof. Rulan Chao Pian’s entire collection of books on music, audio-visual materials and machines, teaching materials, notes, and musical instruments. The University Library System expressed gratitude to Professor Pian and the Wei Lun Foundation. Prof. Rulan Chao Pian, Professor Emeritus of Music and East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University, is a renowned musicologist proficient in the musicology of the East and the West. She specializes in Chinese and is knowledgeable about other Asian music, including Japanese and Korean. Professor Pian was a visiting professor and external examiner at the Department of Music and a Wei Lun Visiting Professor. In 2006, Professor Pian generously donated her entire music collection to CUHK for the benefit of scholarly research. 給你一個五星級的家 何艷婷,藝術系三年級 A Five Star Home for You Vicky Ho, Year 3 , Department of Fine Arts It is her wish that her donation would set an example, inducing scholars to value the study of East Asian history and culture, and the preservation and sharing of such materials. In August 2006, the first batch of her donation of over 7,000 items of audio-visual materials and machines and musical instruments, was air-lifted from the basement of the Pian residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts to Hong Kong. The University Library System immediately embarked on and has completed the digitalization of over 1,000 reels of tape materials. In November 2009, with the assistance of Professor Pian’s daughter Canta and son-in-law Michael, the second batch of 250 boxes of books, teaching materials, notes, musical instrument and photographs was shipped and arrived in March 2010. Fumigation and cataloguing of the materials are now in progress. Professor Pian’s collection is academically significant not just in music; it is coeval and intertwined with the 20th century history of China. The collection is, indeed, a repository, a treasury of contemporary Chinese history and culture. A permanent exhibition of the collection, featuring LPs, cassettes tapes, CDs, musical instruments, books and manuscripts, is housed in the Elizabeth Luce Moore Library at Chung Chi College. University members may access the catalogue via the Library Online Calatogue and listen to the digitized open-reel tapes. For details, please visit http://rulanchaopian.lib . . Prof. Japhet Sebastian Law, professor in the Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as the chairman of the Licensing Appeals Board under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance for two years from 1 January 2010. Prof. Ho Puay-peng, director and professor in the School of Architecture, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Town Planning Board for two years from 1 April 2010. He has also been appointed by the Secretary for Development as a member to the Metro Planning Committee of the Town Planning Board for two years from 1 April 2010. Prof. Chan Chi-fai Andrew, professor in the Department of Marketing, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Council of The Hong Kong Institute of Education for three years from 25 April 2010. Prof. Wong Heung-sang Stephen, professor in the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education and Dean of Students, United College, has been appointed by Secretary for Home Affairs as member of the Community Sports Committee of the Sports Commission and member of the Award Council of the Hong Kong Award for Young People for two years, with effect from 1 January and 1 February 2010 respectively. Mrs. Anne Carver, professional consultant in the Faculty of Law, has been re- appointed by the Financial Secretary as a member of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform for two years from 1 February 2010. Prof. Wong Po-keung, professor in the Department of Biology, has been appointed by the Secretary for the Environment as a member of the Appeal Board Panel under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance for three years from 1 February 2010. Information in this section is provided by the Communication and Public Relations Office • • • • • •
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